
Do not lavish praise on a youth in hopes of his generosity,

لا تمدحن فتى ترجو نوافله

1. Do not lavish praise on a youth in hopes of his generosity,
Nor blame others while they live as subjects.

١. لا تَمدَحَنَّ فَتىً تَرجو نَوافِلَهُ
وَلا تَزُر غَيرَهُ ما عاشَ عَبّادُ

2. When people depart, their true feelings for you
Will return with what they say behind your back.

٢. إِذا تَرَحَّلَ أَقوامٌ أَجَرتَهُمُ
عادَت إِلَيكَ بِما يَثنونَ عُوّادُ

3. Are you not a raincloud whose rain brings life to mankind?
Every raincloud has receivers of its rain on earth.

٣. أَلَستَ غَيثَ حَياً لِلناسِ ماطِرُهُ
وَكُلُّ غَيثٍ لَهُ في الأَرضِ رُوّادُ