
How much unrest does the night visitor cause me,

كم للملاءة من طيف يؤرقني

1. How much unrest does the night visitor cause me,
As the guide of the night stumbles and gets lost.

١. كَم لِلمُلاءَةِ مِن طَيفٍ يُؤَرِّقُني
وَقَد تَجَرثَمَ هادي اللَيلِ وَاِعتَكَرا

2. My worries task me to address every companion,
While vigor has left their eyes barren and desolate.

٢. وَقَد أُكَلِّفُ هَمّي كُلَّ ناجِيَةٍ
قَد غادَرَ النَصُّ في أَبصارِها سَدَرا

3. As if after her idols assembled,
With the chief of clarity, a horseman missed his target.

٣. كَأَنَّها بَعدَما اِنضَمَّت ثَمائِلُها
بِرَأسِ بَينَةَ فَردٌ أَخطَأَ البَقَرا

4. Until his generous virtues bow down,
Goodness still flows readily from his palms.

٤. حَتّى تُناخَ إِلى جَزلٍ مَواهِبُهُ
ما زالَ مِن راحَتَيهِ الخَيرُ مُبتَدَرا

5. An old man who competes with the gusts of wind,
Until his breath is severed and does not relent.

٥. قَرمٌ يُبارى شَماطيطُ الرِياحُ بِهِ
حَتّى تَقَطَّعَ أَنفاساً وَما فَتَرا

6. And in the generosity of my father of lion cubs, there is no resemblance
Except for the clouds and except for the sea when it is abundant.

٦. وَما بِجودِ أَبي الأَشبالِ مِن شَبَهٍ
إِلّا السَحابُ وَإِلّا البَحرُ إِذ زَخَرا

7. Both his hands are bountiful, unfailing,
Bestowing triumphs and watering the barren rain.

٧. كِلتا يَدَيهِ يَمينٌ غَيرُ مُخلِفَةٍ
تُزجي المَنايا وَتَسقي المُجدَبَ المَطَرا