
O you who in the night recalls his passionate love,

ألا من لشوق أنت بالليل ذاكره

1. O you who in the night recalls his passionate love,
And whose wakeful eyes its inhabitant does not let sleep!

١. أَلا مَن لِشَوقٍ أَنتَ بِاللَيلِ ذاكِرُه
وَإِنسانِ عَينٍ ما يُغَمِّضُ عائِرُه

2. A quarter that the morning breeze has wrapped
In its wings, till its sheltering walls lost shape,

٢. وَرَبعٍ كَجُثمانِ الحَمامَةِ أَدرَجَت
عَلَيهِ الصَبا حَتّى تَنَكَّرَ داثِرُه

3. To it, at nightfall, every wild thing leads, as though
It were an obscene thing the wastelands called to indecorousness.

٣. بِهِ كُلُّ ذَيّالِ العَشِيِّ كَأَنَّهُ
هِجانٌ دَعَتهُ لِلجُفورِ فَوادِرُه

4. It remained, after good men and its righteous dwellers,
The ostrich of the sanctuary after all the rest, and its belated inhabitant,

٤. خَلا بَعدَ حَيٍّ صالِحينَ وَحَلَّهُ
نَعامُ الحِمى بَعدَ الجَميعِ وَباقِرُه

5. As we see Layla, and Layla stays there
In promiscuous throng, whose free women you cannot tell apart,

٥. بِما قَد نَرى لَيلى وَلَيلى مُقيمَةٌ
بِهِ في خَليطٍ لا تَناثى حَرائِرُه

6. Layla whom the lurkers put to shame, so that she became
To have, below me, a doubtful, sidelong glance, askance,

٦. فَغَيَّرَ لَيلى الكاشِحونَ فَأَصبَحَت
لَها نَظَرٌ دوني مُريبٌ تَشازُرُه

7. I see myself, when I visit Layla and her husband,
Her fingers writhe in hatred of me, askance,

٧. أَراني إِذا ما زُرتُ لَيلى وَبَعلَها
تَلَوّى مِنَ البَغضاءِ دوني مَشافِرُه

8. If I visit her one day, behind me follows no watcher,
No enemy I fear, no rival I beware,

٨. وَإِن زُرتُها يَوماً فَلَيسَ بِمُخلِفي
رَقيبٌ يَراني أَو عَدُوٌّ أُحاذِرُه

9. As if, on a wall daubed dark, an observant eye
Keeps watch on its seat, or one who oversees, looks on,

٩. كَأَنَّ عَلى ذي الطِنءِ عَيناً بَصيرَةً
بِمَقعَدِهِ أَو مَنظَرٌ هُوَ ناظِرُه

10. He is so cautious that he thinks all people
Have, from fear, no secret hidden from them,

١٠. يُحاذِرُ حَتّى يَحسِبَ الناسَ كُلَّهُم
مِنَ الخَوفِ لا تَخفى عَلَيهِم سَرائِرُه

11. Tomorrow the living will quit, from among the tall spears, after
The herd of destruction ran, and its hurricanes raged,

١١. غَدا الحَيُّ مِن بَينِ الأُعَيلامِ بَعدَما
جَرى حَدَبُ البُهمى وَهاجَت أَعاصِرُه

12. To summon them to the sword of the sea, or the belly of separation,
An passionate resolve of Layla's people whose steeds were harnessed.

١٢. دَعاهُم لِسَيفِ البَحرِ أَو بَطنِ حائِلٍ
هَوىً مِن نَوى حَيٍّ أُمِرَّت مَرايِرُه

13. They departed with a mortgage on my heart, and before
The southern winds, with it they bartered and chaffered,

١٣. غَدَونَ بِرَهنٍ مِن فُؤادي وَقَد غَدَت
بِهِ قَبلَ أَترابِ الجَنوبِ تُماضِرُه

14. I recalled the southern winds, and below them,
The reaches of rivers approached, and their bridges,

١٤. تَذَكَّرتُ أَترابَ الجَنوبِ وَدونَها
مَقاطِعُ أَنهارٍ دَنَت وَقَناطِرُه