1. You see a body, your eyes look upon, motionless
Even if Luqman called you, you would not hear
١. تَرى جَسَداً عَيناكَ تَنظُرُ ساكِناً
وَلَستَ وَلَو ناداكَ لُقمانُ تَسمَعُ
2. So beware, rarely do I deter a man
Except once, for I am enamored with the one indebted
٢. فَإِيّاكَ إِنّي قَلَّ ما أَزجُرُ اِمرِئً
سِوى مَرَّةٍ إِنّي بِمَن حانَ مولَعُ
3. This is my message to you, so if you are
Wretched, you will return the basin you once refused
٣. فَذَلِكَ تَقديمي إِلَيكَ فَإِن تَكُن
شَقِيّاً تَرِد حَوضَ الَّذي كُنتَ أَمنَعُ
4. Though time has whitened your wretched cheeks blaming
Us, while in us is your ghoul mother shrieking
٤. وَقَد شابَ صُدغاكَ اللَئيمانِ عاتِباً
عَلَينا وَفينا أُمُّكَ الغولُ تَمزَعُ
5. To the lodging of guests every evening
With the bearded one she walks with, stumbling
٥. إِلى حُجُرِ الأَضيافِ كُلَّ عَشِيَّةٍ
بِذي حَلَقٍ تَمشي بِهِ تَتَدَعدَعُ
6. So I have not stopped attacking Saad since I satirized him
Specifically and in general, comprehensively
٦. فَما زِلتُ عَن سَعدٍ لَدُن أَن هَجَوتُها
أَخُصُّ وَتاراتٍ أَعُمُّ فَأَجمَعُ
7. I was made a torment upon Saad, so Saad started
Cursing in my torment, suppressing screams
٧. جُعِلتُ عَلى سَعدٍ عَذاباً فَأَصبَحَت
تَلاعَنُ سَعدٌ في عَذابي وَتُقمَعُ
8. Cursing the people of hell as they mount it
As it covers the criminals, blazing
٨. تَلاعُنَ أَهلِ النارِ إِذ يَركَبونَها
وَإِذ هِيَ تَغشى المُجرِمينَ وَتَسفَعُ
9. Have you not seen Saad how it crumbled him when I crushed him
As Tubba crushed the mounds of Yamamah
٩. أَلَم تَرَ سَعداً أَودَحَت إِذ دَكَكتُها
كَما دَكَّ آطامَ اليَمامَةِ تُبَّعُ
10. It is as if the Saad clan are hyenas
Whose forelegs the two-armed Misaq dismembered
١٠. كَأَنَّ بَني سَعدٍ ضِباعُ قَصيمَةٍ
تَفَرَّعَها عَبلُ الذِراعَينِ مِصقَعُ
11. Blowing them off with their dens, and protecting
Their snouts from the claws’ stabs, peering out
١١. تُنَفِّسُ عَنها بِالجُعورِ وَتَتَّقي
بِأَذنابِها زُبَّ المَناخِرِ طُلَّعِ