1. The night has passed and I have not slept an hour
Restlessness and longing have saddened me
١. نامَ الخَلِيُّ وَما أُغَمِّضُ ساعَةً
أَرَقاً وَهاجَ الشَوقُ لي أَحزاني
2. And when I remember you, O son of Musa,
My eyes shed copious tears
٢. وَإِذا ذَكَرتُكَ يا اِبنَ موسى أَسبَلَت
عَيني بِدَمعٍ دائِمِ الهَمَلانِ
3. I did not weep for the departed because of their loss
Yet I cried, and rarely does crying console me
٣. ما كُنتُ أَبكي الهالِكينَ لِفَقدِهِم
وَلَقَد بَكَيتُ وَعَزَّ ما أَبكاني
4. The sun of day eclipsed for him, so the sun
Became as if it was clouded with smoke
٤. كَسَفَت لَهُ شَمسُ النَهارِ فَأَصبَحَت
شَمسُ النَهارِ كَأَنَّها بِدُخانِ
5. After you, O son of Musa, there is no life left in them
That they hope for in the vicissitudes of events
٥. لا حَيَّ بَعدَكَ يا اِبنُ موسى فيهِمُ
يَرجونَهُ لِنَوائِبِ الحَدَثانِ
6. They were a nation, in nights when you were among them
For whom an era of eras was hoped for
٦. كانوا لَيالِيَ كُنتَ فيهِم أُمَّةً
يُرجى لَها زَمَنٌ مِنَ الأَزمانِ
7. But after you, O son of Musa, people have become
Like a canal of war without dams
٧. فَالناسُ بَعدَكَ يا اِبنَ موسى أَصبَحوا
كَقَناةِ حَربٍ غَيرِ ذاتِ سِنانِ
8. Their houses resembling each other with plaster
For the floods between fences and pillars
٨. مُتَشابِهينَ بُيوتُهُم بِمَجازَةٍ
لِلسَيلِ بَينَ سَباسِبٍ وَمِتانِ
9. The son of Musa passed away, and with him generosity, glory
And honor in the preservation of power
٩. أَودى اِبنُ موسى وَالمَكارِمُ وَالنَدى
وَالعِزُّ عِندَ تَحَفُّظِ السُلطانِ
10. The son of Musa, generosity, glory and honor
Were gathered in the grave between winding sheets
١٠. جُمعَ اِبنُ موسى وَالمَكارِمُ وَالنَدى
في القَبرِ بَينَ سَبائِبِ الأَكفانِ
11. None like him has died among them after Talha
For those who ask and on a day of calamity
١١. ما ماتَ فيهِم بَعدَ طَلحَةَ مِثلُهُ
لِلسائِلينَ وَلا لِيَومِ طِعانِ
12. And if your steeds, O son of Musa, have become
Smooth flanked roaming in the meadows
١٢. وَلَئِن جِيادُكَ يا اِبنَ موسى أَصبَحَت
مُلسَ المُتونِ تَجولُ في الأَشطانِ
13. It is because they are led to the enemy as destriers
Bared, set aside with the riders
١٣. لَبِما تُقادُ إِلى العَدُوِّ ضَوامِراً
جُرداً مُجَنَّبَةً مَعَ الرُكبانِ
14. Of every swimming one and bare swimming
Like the master on a cloudy and smoky day
١٤. مِن كُلِّ سابِحَةٍ وَأَجرَدَ سابِحٍ
كَالسيدِ يَومَ تَغَيُّمٍ وَدُخانِ
15. The son of Musa had built with formidable might
Difficult of ascent, unassailable columns
١٥. كانَ اِبنُ موسى قَد بَنى ذا هَيبَةٍ
صَعبَ الذُرى مُتَمَنِّعَ الأَركانِ
16. So he dwelt and left among you with an act
The best of homes and most beautiful of buildings
١٦. فَثَوى وَغادَرَ فيكُمُ بِصَنيعَةٍ
خَيرَ البُيوتِ وَأَحسَنَ البُنيانِ