
Among us are those chosen as the most clement of men,

منا الذي اختير الرجال سماحة

1. Among us are those chosen as the most clement of men,
And the most virtuous when misfortunes blow as gales,

١. مِنّا الَّذي اِختيرَ الرِجالَ سَماحَةً
وَخَيراً إِذا هَبَّ الرِياحُ الزَعازِعُ

2. Among us is he who gave the Prophet gifts
Of Tameem's captives while their eyes were shining bright,

٢. وَمِنّا الَّذي أَعطى الرَسولُ عَطِيَّةً
أُسارى تَميمٍ وَالعُيونُ دَوامِعُ

3. Among us is he who gives two hundred and buys back
The prisoners, his merit rising over the defender's might,

٣. وَمِنّا الَّذي يُعطي المِئينَ وَيَشتَري الـ
ـغَوالي وَيَعلو فَضلُهُ مَن يُدافِعُ

4. Among us a speaker beyond reproach and a warrior
Most valiant when rallied by the assembling crowds,

٤. وَمِنّا خَطيبٌ لا يُعابُ وَحامِلٌ
أَغَرُّ إِذا اِلتَفَّت عَلَيهِ المَجامِعُ

5. Among us are those who revived the lost traditions -
Wa'eed, Ghalib, Amr - and among us, chamberlains and the blind,

٥. وَمِنّا الَّذي أَحيا الوَئيدَ وَغالِبٌ
وَعَمروٌ وَمِنّا حاجِبٌ وَالأَقارِعُ

6. Among us are youths who at dawn rushed to battle,
When the morning fires were lit under the cooking pots,

٦. وَمِنّا غَداةَ الرَوعِ فِتيانُ غارَةٍ
إِذا مَتَعَت تَحتَ الزُجاجِ الأَشاجِعُ

7. Among us is he who led the steeds against
Najran till the returning horses overcame it,

٧. وَمِنّا الَّذي قادَ الجِيادَ عَلى الوَجا
لِنَجرانَ حَتّى صَبَّحَتها النَزائِعُ

8. Those were my forefathers, so bring me their equals
When you gather us, O Jarir, in the assembling crowds,

٨. أولَئِكَ آبائي فَجِئني بِمِثلِهِم
إِذا جَمَعَتنا يا جَريرُ المَجامِعُ

9. They brought me up till I towered over you,
With heroes, and among us are warriors and defenders,

٩. نَمَوني فَأَشرَفتُ العَلايَةَ فَوقَكُم
بُحورٍ وَمِنّا حامِلونَ وَدافِعُ

10. With them I mount whatever a yielding camel kneels for,
And wrestle down my peers whom I wrestle and fight,

١٠. بِهِم أَعتَلي ما حَمَّلَتني مُجاشِعٌ
وَأَصرَعُ أَقراني الَّذينَ أُصارِعُ

11. How strange, that Kulayb should insult me,
As if her sire were Nahshal or Mujashi`,

١١. فَيا عَجَبي حَتّى كُلَيبٌ تَسُبُّني
كَأَنَّ أَباها نَهشَلٌ أَو مُجاشِعُ

12. Does she glory that Kulayb struck Nahshal down,
When no Kulayb is Nahshal among the springing does?

١٢. أَتَفخَرُ أَن دَقَّت كُلَيبٌ بِنَهشَلٍ
وَما مِن كُلَيبٍ نَهشَلٌ وَالرَبائِعُ

13. Nay, but they both are my uncles from Malik's clan,
So cease, for the ways to you are closed,

١٣. وَلَكِن هُما عَمّايَ مِن آلِ مالِكٍ
فَأَقعِ فَقَد سُدَّت عَلَيكَ المَطالِعُ

14. Unless you seek protection in Nahshal,
You are a weakling, O son of Maragha, brought low!

١٤. فَإِنَّكَ إِلّا ما اِعتَصَمتَ بِنَهشَلٍ
لَمُستَضعَفٌ يا اِبنَ المَراغَةِ ضائِعُ