1. The remains of encampments against whose sides
Their fires have died away, and only ashes are left;
١. وَرَكبٍ قَدِ اِستَرخَت طُلاهُم مِنَ السُرى
مُقيمٍ بِلَحيَيهِ النِخاعُ وَأَميَلُ
2. Whose millstones showing their teeth proclaim
That here once dwelt a family known in halls of hospitality;
٢. عَلى ذي مَنارٍ تَعرِفُ العيسُ مَتنَهُ
كَما تَعرِفُ الأَضيافُ آلَ المُهَمَّلِ
3. May Allah curse her who packed up and departed
From my two encampments of Edan's blackened stones!
٣. أَلا قَبَّحَ اللَهُ القَلوصَ الَّتي سَرَت
بِرَحلي إِلى خَصيَي عِدانِ المُهَمَّلِ
4. Sons of Umm Aylan, your beards, when seen
Are like grazing flocks of sheep dotted on a hillside.
٤. بَني أُمُّ عَيلانٍ كَأَنَّ لِحاهُمُ
مَخالي شَعيرٍ عُلِّقَت فَوقَ أَبغُلِ
5. You rallied to me as though you were rallied
In the darkest depths of some pitch-black night.
٥. تَجَمَّعتُمُ لي في فَصيلٍ كَأَنَّما
تَجَمَّعتُمُ لي في أَغَرَّ مُحَجَّلِ