1. My soul was calmed after it rebelled
Fearing it, though no saliva wet my mouth
١. فَطامَنَ نَفسي بَعدَما نَشَزَت بِها
مَخافَتَها وَالريقُ لَم يَبلُلِ الفَما
2. And Hisham left no crooked town
With wrong in religion, without straightening it
٢. وَما تَرَكَت كَفّا هِشامٍ مَدينَةً
بِها عِوَجٌ في الدينِ إِلّا تَقَوَّما
3. Payment of tax comes from whoever was an idolater
And whoever was Muslim for God is satisfied with it
٣. يُؤَدّي إِلَيهِ الخَرجَ مَن كانَ مُشرِكاً
وَيَرضى بِهِ مَن كانَ لِلَّهِ مُسلِما
4. Your father, Abu Al-'Asi, who used to shine
His light on whoever was in the night, darker
٤. أَبوكُم أَبو العاصي الَّذي كانَ يَنجَلي
بِهِ الضَوءُ عَمَّن كانَ بِاللَيلِ أَظلَما
5. And he had two palms, one for the soil
The soil of rain, the other with which he was generous
٥. وَكانَت لَهُ كَفّانِ إِحداهُما الثَرى
ثَرى الغَيثِ وَالأُخرى بِها كانَ أَنعَما
6. You struck the slanderers with it until they were guided by it
To whoever prayed, eloquent speaker or mute
٦. ضَرَبتَ بِها النُكّاثَ حَتّى اِهتَدَوا بِها
لِمَن كانَ صَلّى مِن فَصيحٍ وَأَعجَما
7. With a sword with which Muhammad met
At Badr, when it touched the people of tyranny, resolute
٧. بِسَيفٍ بِهِ لاقى بِبَدرٍ مُحَمَّدٌ
إِذا مَسَّ أَصحابَ الضَريبَةِ صَمَّما