
Let War's horses weep copiously, a defeated army

ليبك وكيعا خيل حرب مغيرة

1. Let War's horses weep copiously, a defeated army
Death drank from goblets at Rudayniyyah's feast

١. لِيَبكِ وَكيعاً خَيلُ حَربٍ مُغيرَةٌ
تَساقى المَنايا بِالرُدَينِيَّةِ السُمرِ

2. They met the like of them but were routed by a shout
He shouted "O Khaibar" though the steeds raced with them

٢. لَقوا مِثلَهُم فَاِستَهزَموهُم بِدَعوَةٍ
دَعوها وَكيعاً وَالجِيادُ بِهِم تَجري

3. Between the shouter "Khaibar" and them
A month's journey for the maimed she-camel

٣. وَبَينَ الَّذي نادى وَكيعاً وَبَينَهُم
مَسيرَةُ شَهرٍ لِلمُقَصَّصَةِ البُترِ

4. How many days has fate demolished a mountain for us
With pouring rains, rumbling thunder, the mount is effaced

٤. وَكَم هَدَّتِ الأَيّامُ مِن جَبَلٍ لَنا
وَسابِغَةٍ زَغفٍ وَأَبيَضَ ذي أَثرِ

5. Yet we remain, like our mountains, enduring
Against misfortunes and time, steadfast and firm

٥. وَإِنّا عَلى أَمثالِهِ مِن جِبالِنا
لَأَبقى مَعَدٍّ لِلنَوائِبِ وَالدَهرِ

6. The dead cannot prevent, like Khaibar's clans
Wailings, not the clash of arms, nor our plunge

٦. وَما كانَ كَالمَوتى وَكيعٌ فَيَمنَعوا
نَوائِحَ لا رَثَّ السِلاحِ وَلا غَمرِ

7. For he who shouted "Khaibar" was granted
To slay the Prophet's friend, Abu Bakr

٧. فَإِنَّ الَّذي نادى وَكيعاً فَنالَهُ
تَناوَلَ صِدّيقَ النَبِيِّ أَبا بَكرِ

8. Who died, not survived, no tribe of men
But mourned him bitterly, all were aggrieved

٨. فَماتَ وَلَم يُؤثَر وَما مِن قَبيلَةٍ
مِنَ الناسِ إِلّا قَد أَباتَ عَلى وِترِ

9. If the honored dead could death defeat
For his people's glory, this tomb's owner would not have died

٩. فَلَو أَنَّ مَيتاً لا يَموتُ لِعِزِّهِ
عَلى قَومِهِ ما ماتَ صاحِبُ ذا القَبرِ

10. In him were struck down Amr, Sa'd, Malik
And Omar's clan by fate's mighty blow

١٠. أُصيبَت بِهِ عَمروٌ وَسَعدٌ وَمالِكٌ
وَضَبَّةُ عُمّوا بِالعَظيمِ مِنَ الأَمرِ