
Tamim, with all her valor, bows

إن تميما كل جد لجدها

1. Tamim, with all her valor, bows
To the keen lynx of valiant souls.

١. إِنَّ تَميماً كُلُّ جَدٍّ لِجَدِّها
يَذُلُّ لِفَرّاسِ الجُدودِ كَلاكِلُه

2. Though on a mountain peak she stood,
Her hands would fail her if it willed.

٢. لَأَصيَدَ لَو يُلقي عَلى رُكنِ يَذبُلٍ
يَدَيهِ إِذاً لَاِنقَضَّ مِنهُ جَنادِلُه

3. My nature is to crush my foe,
Though his allies and plots be many.

٣. وَإِنّي لَمِمّا أَجشُمُ الخَصمَ جَهدَهُ
وَلَو كَثُرَت عُرّامُهُ وَمَحاوِلُه

4. I'm saddened that one still maligned
Should mouth at me his babbling lies.

٤. وَشَيَّبَني أَن لا يَزالَ مُرَجَّمٌ
مِنَ القَولِ مَأثورٌ خِفافٌ مَحامِلُه

5. Another quotes him word for word
And throws his taunts into my face.

٥. تَقَوَّلَهُ غَيري لِآخَرَ مِثلِهِ
وَيُرمى بِهِ رَأسي وَيُترَكَ قائِلُه

6. Not all who think me quick to blame,
Nor all who fear me, I would kill.

٦. فَما كُلُّ مَن يَظُّنَّني أَنا مُعتِبٌ
وَلا كُلُّ مَن قَد خافَني أَنا قاتِلُه

7. I see those praying follow us,
Each lad the coming year awaits.

٧. أَرى كُلُّ مَن صَلّى يُصَلّي وَراءَنا
وَكُلُّ غُلامٍ يَنسِلُ العامَ قابِلُه

8. The people's eager hands reach out
To us for guidance, as their imam.

٨. إِماماً لَنا مِنّا تَرى كُلَّ راغِبٍ
مِنَ الناسِ مَنبوطاً إِلَيهِ أَنامِلُه