
I saw no dwelling after nightfall

فلم أر منزولا به بعد هجعة

1. I saw no dwelling after nightfall
More pleasant, were it not for what we fear.

١. فَلَم أَرَ مَنزولاً بِهِ بَعدَ هَجعَةٍ
أَلَذَّ قِرىً لَولا الَّذي قَد نُحاذِرُه

2. I fear the guards assigned to watch it
With their polished mail and spears.

٢. أُحاذِرُ بَوّابَينِ قَد وُكِّلا بِها
وَأَسمَرَ مِن ساجٍ تَإِطُّ مَسامِرُه

3. I asked her, "How do we get in?"
For night was fading and dawn cooed like a dove.

٣. فَقُلتُ لَها كَيفَ النُزولِ فَإِنَّني
أَرى اللَيلَ قَد وَلّى وَصَوَّتَ طائِرُه

4. She said, "The keys are with the chamberlains,
And eunuchs stand guard at the doors.

٤. فَقالَت أَقاليدُ الرِتاجَينِ عِندَهُ
وَطَهمانُ بِالأَبوابِ كَيفَ تُساوِرُه

5. Shall we force entry with swords?
Or gently pick the locks, though a vigilant guard keeps watch?"

٥. أَبِالسَيفِ أَم كَيفَ التَسَنّي لِموثَقٍ
عَلَيهِ رَقيبٌ دائِبُ اللَيلِ ساهِرُه

6. I said, "Seek some other way,
For affairs have means to unlock their secrets."

٦. فَقُلتُ اِبتَغي مِن غَيرِ ذاكَ مَحالَةً
وَلِلأَمرِ هَيئاتٌ تُصابُ مَصادِرُه

7. Perhaps He who lifted me up will let me down
To earth, if the time is not ripe for His decree.

٧. لَعَلَّ الَّذي أَصعَدتِني أَن يَرُدَّني
إِلى الأَرضِ إِن لَم يَقدِرِ الحَينَ قادِرُه

8. So she brought long ropes and leaned
A frightening scaling-ladder with concealed rungs.

٨. فَجاءَت بِأَسبابٍ طِوالٍ وَأَشرَفَت
قَسيمَةُ ذي زَورٍ مَخوفٍ تَراتِرُه

9. I grasped the ropes, though the course of events
Rests with God, who smoothes the difficult paths.

٩. أَخَذتُ بِأَطرافِ الحِبالِ وَإِنَّما
عَلى اللَهِ مِن عَوصِ الأُمورِ مَياسِرُه

10. I said, "Sit, for standing is dangerous,
And tie the ropes tight, though I risk my neck."

١٠. فَقُلتُ اِقعُدا إِنَّ القِيامَ مَزَلَّةٌ
وَشُدّا مَعاً بِالحَبلِ إِنّي مُخاطِرُه

11. When I said I had reached the floor,
My ropes shook on a fearful, tottering pole,

١١. إِذا قُلتُ قَد نِلتُ البَلاطَ تَذَبذَبَت
حِبالِيَ في نيقٍ مَخوفٍ مَخاصِرُه

12. Set up tall as vultures seem small from it
And small seem the stars in the sky seen from it.

١٢. مُنيفٍ تَرى العِقبانَ تَقصُرُ دونَهُ
وَدونَ كُبَيداتِ السَماءِ مَناظِرُه

13. When my feet touched the ground, they asked,
"Are you alive and safe or one we should mourn?"

١٣. فَلَمّا اِستَوَت رِجلايَ في الأَرضِ نادَتا
أَحَيٌّ يُرَجّى أَم قَتيلٍ نُحاذِرُه

14. I said, "Remove the ropes lest anyone notice!"
And I slipped away into the darkness of night.

١٤. فَقُلتُ اِرفَعا الأَسبابَ لا يَشعُروا بِنا
وَوَلَّيتُ في أَعجازِ لَيلٍ أُبادِرُه

15. With their guidance I dropped eighty cubits
As an eagle with darkest feathers swoops down.

١٥. هُما دَلَّتاني مِن ثَمانينَ قامَةً
كَما اِنقَضَّ بازٍ أَقتَمُ الريشِ كاسِرُه

16. In the morning I sat with the tribe, while guards
Were locked outside, unable to enter.

١٦. فَأَصبَحتُ في القَومِ الجُلوسِ وَأَصبَحَت
مُغَلَّقَةً دوني عَلَيها دَساكِرُه