
You thought Gaddafi after a year, yet Gaddafi

حسبت قذافي بعد عام ولم يكن

1. You thought Gaddafi after a year, yet Gaddafi
Was never a time his thirst could be quenched

١. حَسِبتَ قِذافي بَعدَ عامٍ وَلَم يَكُن
قِذافي زَماناً ما يُرَوَّحُ سائِمُه

2. You will know, O cycle of Maraghah, which of us
When he calls, has his resolute people respond

٢. سَتَعلَمُ يا حَيضَ المَراغَةِ أَيُّنا
لَهُ حينَ يَدعو مِن تَميمٍ قَماقِمُه

3. Did you not know of Qais ibn Ailan extending
His hands to them, begging, yet none would feed him

٣. أَلَم تَعوِ عَن قَيسِ اِبنِ عَيلانَ باسِطاً
إِلَيهِم يَدَي مُستَطعِمٍ لا تُطاعِمُه

4. With the integrity of sneering people among them
Luyayy son of Fihr, Saud and their houses

٤. بِأَعراضِ قَومٍ خِندِفِيِّينَ مِنهُمُ
لُؤَيُّ اِبنُ فِهرٍ وَالسُعودُ وَدارِمُه

5. I see every coward of Tamim, if they commit
A crime against me, I will repay their crimes

٥. أَرى كُلَّ جانٍ مِن تَميمٍ إِذا جَنى
لَهُم حَدَثاً كانَت عَلَيَّ جَرائِمُه

6. And the cowards knew that the son of Ghalib
For every blood they spilt, he will make them pay

٦. وَقَد عَلِمَ الجانونَ أَنَّ اِبنَ غالِبٍ
لِكُلِّ دَمٍ قالوا هَرَقناهُ غارِمُه

7. And when the callers called "Where is the son of Ghalib?"
To the crack of the saddle, they feared his anger

٧. وَلَمّا دَعا الداعونَ أَينَ اِبنُ غالِبٍ
لِصَدعِ ثَأىً يُخشى لَهُم مُتَفاقِمُه

8. They called Ghalib at Al-Hamalah and the villages
And where is his son who heals Tamim their wounds

٨. دَعَوا غالِباً عِندَ الحَمالَةِ وَالقِرى
وَأَينَ اِبنُهُ الشافي تَميماً نَقايِمُه