
A virtuous eulogy from me will reach

ستبلغ مدحة غراء عني

1. A virtuous eulogy from me will reach
Sufyan ibn Amr in the valley of generosity

١. سَتَبلُغُ مِدحَةٌ غَرّاءُ عَنّي
بِبَطنِ العِرضِ سُفيانَ بنَ عَمروِ

2. A generous Hawazin chief and leader of my people
Surpassing all in noble deeds

٢. كَريمَ هَوازِنٍ وَأَميرَ قَومي
وَسَبقاً بِالمَكارِمِ كُلِّ مُجرِ

3. You will not find a people, when
They excel in loyalty, like the people of Hajar

٣. فَلَستَ بِواجِدٍ قَوماً إِذا ما
أَجادوا لِلوَفاءِ كَأَهلِ حَجرِ

4. They are the most prestigious and lofty when
The tribes convene for every matter

٤. هُمُ الأَثرَونَ وَالأَعلَونَ لَمّا
تَأَمَّرَتِ القَبائِلُ كُلَّ أَمرِ

5. They refused to betray and their father
Hanifah refused to forsake on the day of pride

٥. أَبوا أَن يَغدِروا وَأبى أَبوهُم
حَنيفَةَ أَن يُوازَنَ يَومَ فَخرِ

6. And Hanifah does not invoke when facing
The red-hot lash of the clan of Bakr

٦. وَما تَدعو حَنيفَةُ حينَ تَلقى
إِذا اِحمَرَّ الجِلادُ بِآلِ بَكرِ

7. But they attach themselves to their father
Hanifah on the day of fierce combat and patience

٧. وَلَكِن يَنتَمونَ إِلى أَبيهِم
حَنيفَةَ يَومَ مَلحَمَةٍ وَصَبرِ

8. And if it were the Abyssinians when facing a lash
In the hands of their peers and pagan swords

٨. وَلَو بِأُباضَ إِذ لاقَوا جِلاداً
بِأَيدي مِثلِهِم وَسُيوفُ كُفرِ

9. They would defend their sanctity with blows
Like the mouths of burrowing rats - what cowardice!

٩. لَذادوا عَن حَريمِهِمِ بِضَربٍ
كَأَفواهِ الأَوارِكِ أَيَّ هَبرِ

10. But they fought a generous king
They who routed the tribes on the day of Badr

١٠. وَلَكِن جالَدوا مَلَكاً كِراماً
هُمُ فَضّوا القَبائِلَ يَومَ بَدرِ