
When they raise up, you will hear from them clamor,

إذا رفعوا سمعت لهم عجيجا

1. When they raise up, you will hear from them clamor,
The clamor of a lad carrier of favors and tender youth,

١. إِذا رَفَعوا سَمِعتَ لَهُم عَجيجاً
عَجيجَ مُحَلِّئٍ نَعَماً نِهالا

2. And He who ceiled the sky for Him it stood,
And subjected the north wind to the son of David,

٢. وَمَن سَمَكَ السَماءَ لَهُ فَقامَت
وَسَخَّرَ لِاِبنِ داوُدَ الشَمالا

3. And He who saved Noah from the deluges
And anchored in their places the mountains,

٣. وَمَن نَجّى مِنَ الغَمَراتِ نوحاً
وَأَرسى في مَواضِعِها الجِبالا

4. If you grant me well-being and look upon my forbearance,
I will surely exclaim: surely calamities befell!

٤. لَئِن عافَيتَني وَنَظَرتَ حِلمي
لَأَعتَتِنَن إِنِ الحَدَثانُ آلا

5. To You I fled from You and from Ziyad,
And I did not reckon my blood to you both lawful,

٥. إِلَيكَ فَرَرتُ مِنكَ وَمِن زِيادٍ
وَلَم أَحسِب دَمي لَكُما حَلالا

6. But I lampooned while they lampooned me,
A band I had contended with in wrangles,

٦. وَلَكِنّي هَجَوتُ وَقَد هَجَتني
مَعاشِرُ قَد رَضَختُ لَهُم سِجالا

7. So if lampooning sanctions my murder,
We have said to their poet and he said,

٧. فَإِن يَكُنِ الهِجاءُ أَحَلَّ قَتلي
فَقَد قُلنا لِشاعِرِهِم وَقالا

8. And if you mean by lampooning to seek my murder,
You have not attained for a victor words,

٨. وَإِن تَكُ في الهِجاءِ تُريدُ قَتلي
فَلَم تُدرِك لِمُنتَصِرٍ مَقالا

9. You see the chiefs of Quraysh,
When the command in the two arbitrators rose high,

٩. تَرى الشُمَّ الجَحاجِحَ مِن قُرَيشٍ
إِذا ما الأَمرُ في الحَدَثانِ عالا

10. The Prophet's paternal cousins and Umar's comrades
And Uthman whose actions rose so high,

١٠. بَني عَمِّ الرَسولِ وَرَهطَ عَمرٍ
وَعُثمانَ الَّذينَ عَلَوا فَعالا

11. Standing looking at Sa'id
As though they see in him a new moon,

١١. قِياماً يَنظُرونَ إِلى سَعيدٍ
كَأَنَّهُمُ يَرَونَ بِهِ هِلالا

12. Assailers of lanterns without steady aim
Whenever they moved, marked with the brand.

١٢. ضَروبٍ لِلقَوانِسِ غَيرِ هِدٍّ
إِذا خَطَرَت مُسَوَّمَةً رِعالا