1. By my life, time and its vicissitudes
Have brought down Nufaysa from kingdom to the worst abode,
١. لَعَمري لَقَد رَدَّ الزَمانُ وَرَيبُهُ
نَفيسَةَ مِن مُلكٍ إِلى شَرِّ مَقعَدِ
2. A captive of a people who, had she called them, would have answered her,
Men of war, strikers with every hand.
٢. سَبِيَّةَ قَومٍ لَو دَعَت لَأَجابَها
بَنا الحَربِ ضَرّابو يَدَي كُلَّ أَصيَدِ
3. Had not the Al of Muhalhil perished,
She would not have been handled by you, neither by hand nor foot.
٣. وَلَو لَم يَمُت آلُ المُهَلَّبِ لَم تَكُن
تَناوَلُها بِالرِجلِ مِنكَ وَلا اليَدِ
4. May God abase your dwelling! You have turned away
From the name of Muhammad, prophet of the Muslims.
٤. تَنَحَّ أَهانَ اللَهُ مَثواكَ خاسِئاً
عَنِ اِسمِ نَبِيِّ المُسلِمينَ مُحَمَّدِ