1. They water me with bitterness, yearnings renewed
Remnants boiling in their vitals overflow
١. يُسَقّينَ بِالمَوماةِ زُغباً نَواهِضاً
بَقايا نِطافٍ في حَواصِلِها تَغلي
2. Remedies surge into remedies through them I drew
As the water-bearer purged bowl after bowl
٢. تَمُجُّ أَداوى في أَداوى بِها اِستَقَت
كَما اِستَفرَغَ الساقي مِنَ السَجلِ بِالسَجلِ
3. His long reach cut by the foxes' trots
And the howls of jackals, hyena calls
٣. وَقَد أَقطَعَ الخَرقَ البَعيدَ نِياطُهُ
بِمائِرَةِ الضَبعَينِ وَجناءَ كَالهِقلِ
4. More slack gained from the halter as though
Wary of hornets' sting or bees' brawls
٤. تَزَيَّدُ في فَضلِ الزِمامِ كَأَنَّها
تُحاذِرُ وَقعاً مِن زَنابيرَ أَو نَحلِ
5. Her hands on the rungs of a ladder it seems
When her forearms clasp a leg that sprawls
٥. كَأَنَّ يَدَيها في مَراتِبَ سُلَّمٍ
إِذا غاوَلَت أَوبَ الذِراعَينِ بِالرِجلِ
6. Moaning from weariness, lament she screams
A bereaved's moan for new sorrow falls
٦. تَأَوَّهَ مِن طولِ الكَلالِ وَتَشتَكي
تَأَوُّهَ مَفجوعٍ بِثُكلِ عَلى ثُكلِ
7. To you, Commander of the Faithful, her plight
To the best of those for whom saddles were secured
٧. إِلَيكَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ أَنَختُها
إِلى خيرِ مَن حُلَّت لَهُ عُقَدُ الرَحلِ
8. To their finest, present and past, so right
With wisdom, faith and ample grace assured
٨. إِلى خَيرِهِم فيهِم قَديماً وَحادِثاً
مَعَ الحِلمِ وَالإيمانِ وَالنائِلِ الجَزلِ
9. You inherited your father's rule, flowing in his mould
As spring waters sprout from their source untold
٩. وَرِثتَ أَباكَ المُلكَ تَجري بِسَمتِهِ
كَذَلِكَ خوطُ النَبعِ يَنبُتُ في الأَصلِ
10. As David ceded succession to Solomon of old
A gift of God, the Bountiful, extolled
١٠. كَداوُدَ إِذ وَلّى سُلَيمانَ بَعدَهُ
خِلافَتَهُ نِحلاً مِنَ اللَهِ ذي الفَضلِ
11. Reigning with the reason that tipped the scale
With Selma's hills of loyalty and justice hailed
١١. يَسوسُ مِنَ الحِلمِ الَّذي كانَ راجِحاً
بِأَجبالِ سَلمى مِن وَفاءٍ وَمِن عَدلِ
12. He is the full moon that gives guidance when trails fail
When the crooked lose their way, paths curtailed
١٢. هُوَ القَمَرُ البَدرُ الَّذي يُهتَدى بِهِ
إِذا ما ذَوُو الأَضغانِ جاروا عَنِ السُبلِ
13. Does it wonder you, his light a delight
Magnanimous, forbearing in ease and in plight
١٣. أَغَرَّ تَرى نوراً لِبَهجَةِ مُلكِهِ
عَفُوّاً طَلوباً في أَناةٍ وَفي رِسلِ
14. Overflowing the irrigation pools with droplets bright
As a tidal wave wears down rocks with its might
١٤. يَفيضُ السِجالَ الناقِعاتِ مِنَ النَدى
كَما فاضَ ذو مَوجٍ يُقَمِّصُ بِالجَفلِ
15. Many were blessed by your grace time and again
Many a burden you lightened from carrying men
١٥. وَكَم مِن أُناسٍ قَد أُصيبَت بِنِعمَةٍ
وَمِن مُثقَلٍ خَفَّفتَ عَنهُ مِنَ الثِقلِ
16. Many a perilous affair you secured from fate's den
With steadfast, potent reason and counsel then
١٦. وَمِن أَمرِ حَزمٍ قَد وَلَيتَ نَجِيَّهُ
بِرَأيٍ جَميعٍ مُستَمِرٍّ قُوى الحَبلِ