
The image of the past awakened your longing,

أهاج لك الشوق القديم خياله

1. The image of the past awakened your longing,
Between the homes of intimacy and sleep.

١. أَهاجَ لَكَ الشَوقَ القَديمَ خَيالُهُ
مَنازِلُ بَينَ المُنتَضى وَمُنيمِ

2. Prison has come between me and you, until I forgot it
And it made me heedless of every intimate friend.

٢. وَقَد حالَ دوني السِجنُ حَتّى نَسيتُها
وَأَذهَلَني عَن ذِكرِ كُلِّ حَميمِ

3. Yet I remember it every night,
Like one afflicted who is used to an ongoing illness,

٣. عَلى أَنَّني مِن ذِكرِها كُلَّ لَيلَةٍ
كَذي حُمَةٍ يَعتادُ داءَ سَليمِ

4. When it is said that it has weakened for him his life,
The wasted cheeks revisit him.

٤. إِذا قيلَ قَد ذَلَّت لَهُ عَن حَياتِهِ
تُراجِعُ مِنهُ خابِلاتِ شَكيمِ

5. Whenever the wind comes to me from the direction of her land,
I say, in the distance of the family, an invalid.

٥. إِذا ما أَتَتهُ الريحُ مِن نَحوِ أَرضِها
فَقُل في بَعيدِ العائِلاتِ سَقيمِ

6. If you deny what you used to know,
Time for us is not in a reprehensible state.

٦. فَإِن تُنكِري ما كُنتِ قَد تَعرِفينَهُ
فَما الدَهرُ مِن حالٍ لَنا بِذَميمِ

7. It has a day of misfortune where its luck does not miss,
And a day where its sun meets bliss.

٧. لَهُ يَومُ سَوءٍ لَيسَ يُخطِئُ حَظُّهُ
وَيَومٌ تَلاقى شَمسُهُ بِنَعيمِ

8. You knew the riders complained
Of the barren places of the land in every wilderness and dune,

٨. وَقَد عَلِمَت أَنَّ الرِكابَ قَدِ اِشتَكَت
مَواقِعَ عُريانٍ مَكانَ كُلومِ

9. They fight to protect it from the birds without their appearance
With mouths without fat or saliva.

٩. تُقاتِلُ عَنها الطَيرَ دونَ ظُهورِها
بِأَفواهِ شُدقٍ غَيرِ ذاتِ شُحومِ

10. Distance from every desire has harmed them
And the needs of an impoverished man full of worries,

١٠. أَضَرَّ بِهِنَّ البُعدُ مِن كُلِّ مَطلَبٍ
وَحاجاتُ زَجّالٍ ذَواتُ هُمومِ

11. How much baggage did it throw in every desolate place
Of the land - noisy and speedy!

١١. وَكَم طَرَّحَت رَحلاً بِكُلِّ مَفازَةٍ
مِنَ الأَرضِ في دَوِّيَّةٍ وَحُزومِ

12. Like the tracks of a shipwrecked man in the darkness of a boat
With traces of footsteps full of misery.

١٢. كَأَحقَبَ شَحّاجٍ بِغَمرَةِ قارِبٍ
بِليتَيهِ آثارٌ ذَواتُ كُدومِ

13. When Qais and Khindif meet
And their friendship fails when every friendship fails.

١٣. إِذا زَخَرَت قَيسٌ وَخِندِفُ وَاِلتَقى
صَميماهُما إِذ طاحَ كُلُّ صَميمِ

14. No one travels their road
Of the people except us who live there.

١٤. وَما أَحَدٌ مِن غَيرِهِم بِطَريقِهِم
مِنَ الناسِ إِلّا مِنهُمُ بِمُقيمِ

15. How can people walk when Qais is behind them
And Tameem has blocked what is in front of them?

١٥. وَكَيفَ يَسيرُ الناسُ قَيسٌ وَرائَهُم
وَقَد سُدَّ ما قُدّامَهُم بِتَميمِ

16. Whoever meets them will meet Khuzaima,
For them a mother of warriors, not barren.

١٦. سَيَلقى الَّذي يَلقى خُزَيمَةُ مِنهُمُ
لَهُم أُمُّ بَذّاخينَ غَيرَ عَقيمِ

17. They are the two finest who meet most
To noble origin with the ancient sky.

١٧. هُما الأَطيَبانِ الأَكثَرانِ تَلاقَيا
إِلى حَسَبٍ عِندَ السَماءِ قَديمِ

18. Whoever sees our two cliffs when they meet
Would see two towering mountains.

١٨. فَمَن يَرَ غارَينا إِذا ما تَلاقَيا
يَكُن مَن يَرى طَودَيهِما كَأَميمِ

19. Khindif refused anything but the heights, and her Qais,
When the tribes fell, not stars.

١٩. أَبَت خِندِفٌ إِلّا عُلُوّاً وَقَيسُها
إِذا فَخَرَ الأَقوامُ غَيرَ نُجومِ

20. We surpassed people in every scene,
For us lofty mountains, for them split bones.

٢٠. وَنَحنُ فَضَلنا الناسَ في كُلِّ مَشهَدٍ
لَنا بِحَصىً عالٍ لَهُم وَحُلومِ

21. If these people make an oath between them against us,
For them in war all the darkness.

٢١. فَإِن يَكُ هَذا الناسُ حَلَّفَ بَينَهُم
عَلَينا لَهُم في الحَربِ كُلَّ غَشومِ

22. For we and them are like a slave and his lord,
When he flees Him, He returns him with ropes.

٢٢. فَإِنّا وَإِيّاهُم كَعَبدٍ وَرَبِّهِ
إِذا فَرَّ مِنهُ رَدَّهُ بِرُغومِ

23. The one who calls for war knows I am,
With the bones of war, not ill-omened.

٢٣. وَقَد عَلِمَ الداعي إِلى الحَربِ أَنَّني
بِجَمعِ عِظامِ الحَربِ غَيرُ سَؤومِ

24. When the red Mudar one day showed affection for me
And it tightened the bridle on my determination,

٢٤. إِذا مُضَرُ الحَمراءُ يَوماً تَعَطَّفَت
عَلَيَّ وَقَد دَقَّ اللِجامَ شَكيمي

25. They refused that I treat the people with anything but darkness,
And I was the son of the oppressive enemy, the tyrant.

٢٥. أَبَوا أَن أَسومَ الناسَ إِلّا ظُلامَةً
وَكُنتُ اِبنَ ضِرغامِ العَدُوِّ ظَلومِ