
He dragged disgraces upon Kulaib,

جر المخزيات على كليب

1. He dragged disgraces upon Kulaib,
Then Jarier did not prevent insults.

١. جَرَّ المُخزِياتِ عَلى كُلَيبٍ
جَريرٌ ثُمَّ ما مَنَعَ الذِمارا

2. And for them was Kabakr of Thamud when
He bellowed his back, so he destroyed them completely.

٢. وَكانَ لَهُم كَبَكرِ ثَمودَ لَمّا
رَغا ظُهراً فَدَمَّرَهُم دَمارا

3. He transgressed so he stirred up the most vicious of Ghamiyya.
So woe to the son of Maragha! He did not repent.

٣. عَوى فَأَثارَ أَغلَبَ ضَيغَمِيّاً
فَوَيلَ اِبنِ المَراغَةِ ما اِستَثارا

4. Of those whom the “Alif” turns away in fear,
Fleeing from him by day.

٤. مِنَ اللائي يَظَلُّ الأَلفُ مِنهُ
مُنيخاً مِن مَخافَتِهِ نَهارا

5. The drunkards bow down before him,
He protected the paths, the routes, and the caravans.

٥. تَظَلُّ المُخدِراتُ لَهُ سُجوداً
حَمى الطُرقَ المَقانِبَ وَالتِجارا

6. As if he had the darkness of ink
In his forearms when he marched ahead of the people.

٦. كَأَنَّ بِساعِدَيهِ سَوادَ وَرسٍ
إِذا هُوَ فَوقَ أَيدي القَومِ سارا

7. And indeed the clan of Maragha did not succeed
When they chose to insult me.

٧. وَإِنَّ بَني المَراغَةِ لَم يُصيبوا
إِذا اِختاروا مُشاتَمَتي اِختِيارا

8. They mocked and slandered me
While my insults were a dignity and honour upon their livers.

٨. هَجَوني حائِنينَ وَكانَ شَتمي
عَلى أَكبادِهِم سَلَعاً وَقارا

9. Whoever insults me will know
When he charges ahead kicking up the dust.

٩. سَتَعلَمُ مَن تَناوَلُهُ المَخازي
إِذا يَجري وَيَدَّرِعُ الغُبارا

10. And the son of Maragha slept instead of Kulaib
So I covered it with insults and sharp words.

١٠. وَنامَ اِبنُ المَراغَةِ عَن كُلَيبٍ
فَجَلَّلَها المَخازي وَالشَنارا

11. And indeed when the clan of Kulaib insulted me
They were like diseased camels trying to cover me in fire.

١١. وَإِنَّ بَني كُلَيبٍ إِذ هَجَوني
لَكَالجِعلانِ إِذ يَغشَينَ نارا

12. And indeed Mujashi’a burdened me with
Responsibilities I will not neglect no matter how difficult.

١٢. وَإِنَّ مُجاشِعاً قَد حَمَّلَتني
أُموراً لَن أُضَيِّعَها كِبارا

13. The dwellings of the guests every night of blowing winds,
And I was a neighbour to the guests before.

١٣. قِرى الأَضيافَ لَيلَةَ كُلِّ ريحٍ
وَقِدماً كُنتُ لِلأَضيافِ جارا

14. When their livelihoods are destroyed they migrate
With short lower legs in their tall bodies.

١٤. إِذا اِحتَرَقَت مَآشِرُها أَشالَت
أَكارِعَ في جَواشِنِها قِصارا