
When I saw my soul seeking

ولما رأيت النفس صار نجيها

1. When I saw my soul seeking
Resolute things beyond my ribs,

١. وَلَمّا رَأَيتُ النَفسَ صارَ نَجِيُّها
إِلى عازِماتٍ مِن وَراءِ ضُلوعي

2. My she-camel refused anything but more, and my desire was only for increase,
For generosity is not of its traits, nor exaltation.

٢. أَبَت ناقَتي إِلّا زِياداً وَرَغبَتي
وَما الجودُ مِن أَخلاقِهِ بِبَديعِ

3. A man not made happy by the world he attains,
Nor broken by the tribulations of fate.

٣. فَتىً غَيرُ مِفراحٍ بِدُنيا يُصيبُها
وَمِن نَكَباتِ الدَهرِ غَيرُ جَزوعِ

4. My mount did not gain increase, nor meet
Ziyad, that I might delight my companion's eyes in his return.

٤. وَلَم أَكُ أَو تَلقى زِياداً مَطِيَّتي
لِأَكحَلَ عَينَي صاحِبي بِهُجوعِ

5. Oh, would that my two servants unbridle it
When my she-camel takes me to Ibn Rabi'a.

٥. أَلا لَيتَ عَبدِيَّينِ يَجتَزِرانِها
إِذا بَلَّغَتني ناقَتي اِبنَ رَبيعِ

6. More - though it reach the more - it came to
A man who does not waste his building of glory.

٦. زِياداً وَإِن تَبلُغ زِياداً فَقَد أَتَت
فَتىً لِبِناءِ المَجدِ غَيرَ مُضيعِ

7. It was raised by the people of Deyyan in a lofty tribe,
To a lineage, with the heavens, of high renown.

٧. نَماهُ بَنو الدَيّانِ في مُشمَخِرَّةٍ
إِلى حَسَبٍ عِندَ السَماءِ رَفيعِ

8. And my friend, before the authority he gained,
I know not by what making.

٨. وَكانَ خَليلي قَبلَ سُلطانِ ما رَمى
إِلَيهِ فَما أَدري بِأَيِّ صَنيعِ

9. God will decide for us - God is able
Upon all silent property and crops.

٩. لَنا يَقضِيَنَّ اللَهُ وَاللَهُ قادِرٌ
عَلى كُلِّ مالٍ صامِتٍ وَزُروعِ

10. And were it not for my hope, your overflowing palms would not return
To estrangement, our companionship to renewal.

١٠. وَلَولا رَجائي فَضلَ كَفَّيكَ لَم تَعُد
إِلى هَجَرٍ أَنضاؤُنا لِرُجوعِ

11. A prince, and of close ties, and both intercede for us
To him, along with the Deyyan, best intercessors.

١١. أَميرٌ وَذو قُربى وَكِلتاهُما لَنا
إِلَيهِ مَعَ الدَيّانِ خَيرُ شَفيعِ

12. The Deyyan were adornment for their people,
And pillars of a massive camp, impregnable.

١٢. وَكانَ بَنو الدَيّانِ زَيناً لِقَومِهِم
وَأَركانَ طَودٍ بِالأَراكِ مَنيعِ

13. Khadij and Al-Najashi were among them,
Possessors of delicious favors, of spreading munificence.

١٣. وَكانَ خَديجٌ وَالنَجاشِيُّ مِنهُمُ
ذَوَي طَعمَةٍ في المَجدِ ذاتِ دَسيعِ

14. The two sought out the finest poetry until it gifted them
With pleasure and intimacy in intimate conversation.

١٤. هَما طَلَبا شَعرانَ حَتّى حَباهُما
بِعَضبٍ وَأَلفٍ في الصِرارِ جَميعِ