
He who set the sky with stars built for us

إن الذي سمك السماء بنى لنا

1. He who set the sky with stars built for us
A house whose pillars are the strongest and tallest

١. إِنَّ الَّذي سَمَكَ السَماءَ بَنى لَنا
بَيتاً دَعائِمُهُ أَعَزُّ وَأَطوَلُ

2. A house the King built for us that will not
Be moved, for heaven's Ruler decreed it be unshakeable

٢. بَيتاً بَناهُ لَنا المَليكُ وَما بَنى
حَكَمُ السَماءُ فَإِنَّهُ لا يُنقَلُ

3. A house with courtyards where the valiant assemble
And where the horsemen and their steeds mill about

٣. بَيتاً زُرارَةُ مُحتَبٍ بِفِنائِهِ
وَمُجاشِعٌ وَأَبو الفَوارِسِ نَهشَلُ

4. They gather in the house of assemblies, and when called to arms
They sally forth like mountains piled high

٤. يَلِجونَ بَيتَ مُجاشِعٍ وَإِذا اِحتَبوا
بَرَزوا كَأَنَّهُمُ الجِبالُ المُثَّلُ

5. None equal them when they assemble in your house’s courtyard
If the most virtuous are enumerated

٥. لا يَحتَبي بِفِناءِ بَيتِكَ مِثلُهُم
أَبَداً إِذا عُدَّ الفَعالُ الأَفضَلُ

6. From their valor the she-wolf dug her burrow
As if they were her cubs there to suckle

٦. مِن عِزِّهِم جَحَرَت كُلَيبٌ بَيتَها
زَرباً كَأَنَّهُمُ لَدَيهِ القُمَّلُ

7. The spider wove her web over you
And the scripture sent down decreed your ruin

٧. ضَرَبَت عَلَيكَ العَنكَبوتَ بِنَسجِها
وَقَضى عَلَيكَ بِهِ الكِتابُ المُنزَلُ

8. Where are those by whom our house was exalted
Or do I reckon you among departed ancestors?

٨. أَينَ الَّذينَ بِهِم تُسامي دارِماً
أَم مَن إِلى سَلَفي طُهَيَّةَ تَجعَلُ

9. They walked through rings of iron as gently
As branded camels walk over embers

٩. يَمشونَ في حَلَقِ الحَديدِ كَما مَشَت
جُربُ الجِمالِ بِها الكُحَيلُ المُشعَلُ

10. The protectors when women are taken captive
Lest their beauty be despoiled and dishonored

١٠. وَالمانِعونَ إِذا النِساءُ تَرادَفَت
حَذَرَ السِباءِ جِمالُها لا تُرحَلُ

11. Who guard our women when swords are rattling
Whose arms in battle flow like water from a skin

١١. يَحمي إِذا اِختُرِطَ السُيوفُ نِساءَنا
ضَربٌ تَخِرُّ لَهُ السَواعِدُ أَرعَلُ

12. And the crowned king above whom flutters
The cloak of kings - for him the fifth is discord

١٢. وَمُعَصَّبٍ بِالتاجِ يَخفِقُ فَوقَهُ
خِرَقُ المُلوكِ لَهُ خَميسٌ جَحفَلُ

13. A king whose realm is marched by our shoulders
From him we draw pride and gain sustenance

١٣. مَلِكٌ تَسوقُ لَهُ الرِماحَ أَكُفُّنا
مِنهُ نَعُلُّ صُدورَهُنَّ وَنُنهِلُ

14. He died among our ribs or was bitten
By a viper whose bite kills kings

١٤. قَد ماتَ في أَسلاتِنا أَو عَضَّهُ
عَضَبٌ بِرَونَقِهِ المُلوكَ تُقَتَّلُ