
When it is weighed down in my palm, it adorns every frozen one,

إذا اعتركت في راحتي كل مجمد

1. When it is weighed down in my palm, it adorns every frozen one,
Allotted to no sustenance but its attributes,

١. إِذا اِعتَرَكَت في راحَتَي كُلِّ مُجمِدٍ
مُسَوَّمَةً لا رِزقَ إِلّا خِصالُها

2. We thrust them with reeds from the gourd of millet,
When the water skin does not tie up the flowing of its neck.

٢. مَرَينا لَهُم بِالقَضبِ مِن قَمَعِ الذُرى
إِذا الشَولُ لَم تُرزِم لِدَرٍّ فِصالُها

3. We split open the bellies with the sword, from the young ones,
And the legs away from standing, their running.

٣. بَقَرنا عَنِ الأَفلاذِ بِالسَيفِ بَطنَها
وَبِالساقِ مِن دونِ القِيامِ خِبالُها

4. We hurried away from anger the villages from its lair,
For our guests, while the camel stallion, the tying of its noseband.

٤. عَجِلنا عَنِ الغَليِ القِرى مِن سَنامِها
لِأَضيافِنا وَالنابُ وَردٌ عِقالُها

5. For them or the wind dies while it is stinky,
When the souls of winter boast of its north wind.

٥. لَهُم أَو تَموتَ الريحُ وَهيَ ذَميمَةٌ
إِذا اِعتَزَّ أَرواحَ الشِتاءِ شَمالُها

6. And a screaming she-camel runs with her young behind her,
On the back of a mare whose majesty has slipped from her.

٦. وَصارِخَةٍ يَسعى بَنوها وَراءَها
عَلى ظَهرِ عُريٍ زَلَّ عَنهُ جِلالُها

7. She twists with her palms the tips of a summit,
While horses which pant heavily have caught up with her.

٧. تُلَوّي بِكَفَّيها عَناصِيَ ذِروَةٍ
وَقَد لَحِقَت خَيلٌ تَثوبُ رِعالُها

8. A fighter in the valley of her noble tribe,
Her father is the paternal uncle, smooth-faced and her maternal uncle.

٨. مُقاتِلَةٌ في الحَيِّ مِن أَكرَميهِمُ
أَبوها هُوَ اِبنُ العَمِّ لَحّاً وَخالُها

9. When she turns her back, she closes off the sky behind her,
A gallant company and a group mutual in their condition.

٩. إِذا اِلتَفَتَت سَدَّ السَماءَ وَرائَها
عَبيطٌ وَجُمهورٌ تَعادى فِحالُها

10. They halted with her amidst our houses,
While the saddling with provisions has been hastened.

١٠. أَناخَت بِها وَسطَ البُيوتِ نِساؤُنا
وَقَد أُعجِلَت شَدَّ الرِحالِ اِكتِفالُها

11. We saddled up and thrust the spears behind her,
Spears that rival deaths with their points.

١١. أَنَخنا فَأَقبَلنا الرِماحَ وَراءَها
رِماحاً تُساقي بِالمَنايا نِهالُها

12. The clan of Darim, my people, you see their defenses,
Slaves their margins, commoners their slippers.

١٢. بَنو دارِمٍ قَومي تَرى حُجُزاتِهِم
عِتاقاً حَواشيها رِقاقاً نِعالُها

13. They drag the music maker of Yemen as though they are
Swords which time has stripped of their scabbards.

١٣. يَجُرّونَ هُدّابَ اليَماني كَأَنَّهُم
سُيوفٌ جَلا الأَطباعَ عَنها صِقالُها

14. And they were driven away from you by swords against you,
Morning and evening with domination in Iraq their rising.

١٤. وَشيمَت بِهِ عَنكُم سُيوفٌ عَلَيكُمُ
صَباحَ مَساءَ بِالعِراقِ اِستِلالُها

15. And while you are those who have not said I am an infidel,
Headlong it plummets everyday, unstoppable its stumbling.

١٥. وَإِذ أَنتُمُ مَن لَم يَقُل أَنا كافِرٌ
تَرَدّى نَهاراً عَثرَةً لا يُقالُها

16. And the head parts from it with a swift strike,
Between the two shoulders, hasty its tilting.

١٦. وَفارَقَ أُمَّ الرَأسِ مِنهُ بِضَربَةٍ
سَريعٍ لِبَينِ المَنكَبَينِ زِيالُها