
Be like Joseph when his brothers nearly

كن مثل يوسف لما كاد إخوته

1. Be like Joseph when his brothers nearly
Let loose their grudges until hatred died

١. كُن مِثلَ يوسُفَ لَمّا كادَ إِخوَتُهُ
سَلَّ الضَغائِنَ حَتّى ماتَتِ الحِقَدُ

2. How can you shoot an arrow without tightening the bow
When kings have shot and targeted the target

٢. وَكَيفَ تَرمي بِقَوسٍ لا تُوَتِّرُها
إِذا المُلوكُ رَمَوا وَاِستَهدَفَ النَضَدُ

3. Do you not see for them in their kingdom a banner
And you do not see a banner but for Him a support

٣. أَلا تَرى لَهُمُ في مُلكِهِم عَلَماً
وَلا تَرى عَلَماً إِلّا لَهُ سَنَدُ