
I was amazed at a caravan whose travelers were cheered

عجبتُ لركب فرحتهم مليحة

1. I was amazed at a caravan whose travelers were cheered
By a beautiful woman flashing among the camels.

١. عَجِبتُ لِرَكبٍ فَرَّحَتهُم مُليحَةٌ
تَأَلَّقُ مِن بَينِ الذَنابينِ فَاِلمِعا

2. We did not reach her until we cursed where she was
And until the owner of the inn woke from his sleep.

٢. فَلَم نَأتِها حَتّى لَعَنّا مَكانَها
وَحَتّى اِشتَفى مِن نَومِهِ صاحِبُ الكَرى

3. When we came to those around the fire, their faces
Turned to us, men with beards well-groomed.

٣. فَلَمّا أَتَينا مَن عَلى النارِ أَقبَلَت
إِلَينا وُجوهُ المُصطَلينَ ذَوي اللَحى

4. When we got down and mingled with the people there,
They wept and complained - oh, what a time for complaints!

٤. فَلَمّا نَزَلنا وَاِختَلَطنا بِأَهلِها
بَكوا وَاِشتَكَينا أَيَّ ساعَةَ مُشتَكى

5. They complained and said, "Do not blame us, for we
Are forbidden folk with no protector."

٥. تَشَكّوا وَقالوا لا تَلُمنا فَإِنَّنا
أُناسٌ حَرامِيّونَ لَيسَ لَنا فَتى

6. And they said, "Oh, is there no brave youth like Ghalib
Reprimanding them for good?" And the center of the people's encampment

٦. وَقالوا أَلا هَل مِن فَتىً مِثلَ غالِبٍ
وَأَيّايَ بِالمَعروفِ قائِلُهُم عَنى

7. An old camel, well-traveled, inquisitive,
When I looked over the camels, guarded them well,

٧. وَوَسطَ رِحالِ القَومِ بازِلُ عامِها
جَرَنبَذَةُ الأَسفارِ هَمّاسَةُ السُرى

8. As if I wanted the remaining litter in the pens.
I said, having cut off her leg with a sword,

٨. فَلَمّا تَصَفَّحتُ الرِكابَ اِتَّقَت بِها
أُريدُ بَقِيّاتِ العَرائِكِ في الذُرى

9. "Harm of Ka'b's clan - no blame in the villages!"
So for my companions, hosts, their guests

٩. أَقولُ وَقَد قَضَيتُ بِالسَيفِ ساقَها
حِرامَ بنِ كَعبٍ لا مَذَمَّةَ في القِرى

10. Were messengers, warmth, and gathered wood.

١٠. فَباتَ لِأَصحابي وَأَربابِ مَنزِلي
وَأَضيافِهِم رِسلٌ وَدِفءٌ وَمُشتَوى