1. The wild beasts of the land have found safety in a unifier,
The staff of religion, so that its plains need not fear.
١. لَقَد أَمِنَت وَحشُ البِلادِ بِجامِعٍ
عَصا الدينِ حَتّى ما تَخافُ نَوارُها
2. With it Allah has brought security to the land, so it is tranquil
For all who live there night and day.
٢. بِهِ أَمَّنَ اللَهُ البِلادَ فَساكِنٌ
بِكُلِّ طَريدٍ لَيلُها وَنَهارُها
3. You have seen the Marwanids as the best builders of civilization
And you, when the Quraysh are counted, as the best of them.
٣. رَأَيتَ بَني مَروانَ خَيرَ عِمارَةٍ
وَأَنتَ إِذا عُدَّت قُرَيشٌ خِيارُها
4. To you it has come, its reins in its mouth,
To test its caliphate, since in your hands lies the testing of it.
٤. أَتاكَ بِها مَخشوشَةً بِزِمامِها
خِلافَتَهُ إِذ في يَدَيكَ اِختِبارُها