
To you, son of Sayyar, youth of generosity and splendor

إليك ابن سيار فتى الجود واعست

1. To you, son of Sayyar, youth of generosity and splendor
In afflicting (our enemies) with spears are the strong pillars of valor shining

١. إِلَيكَ اِبنَ سَيّارٍ فَتى الجودِ واعَسَت
بِنا البيدَ أَعضادُ المَهاري الشَعاشِعِ

2. How many a night whose cheeks the darkness kissed
Seeking you at dawn submissively supplicating

٢. كَمِ اِجتَبنَ مِن لَيلٍ يَطَأنَ خُدودَهُ
إِلَيكَ وَنَشرٍ بِالضُحى مُتَخاشِعِ

3. When his obstinate mouth is led by the bridle
With the fountains of tears from sorrowful eyes streaming

٣. إِذا اِنقادَ بِالمَوماةِ سامَينَ خَطمَهُ
بِمائِرَةِ الآباطِ خوصِ المَدامِعِ

4. Then when the backs of the mounts complained
Of the saddlebags, to Kindafi resorting, for wrongs redressing

٤. فَلَمّا شَكَت عَضَّ الرِحالِ ظُهورُها
إِلى خِندِفِيِّ الجودِ لِلضَيمِ دافِعِ

5. With them we attacked the valiant foes till they were stripped
Of armor, like bared swords penetrating

٥. أَنَخنا بِها صُهبَ المَهاري فَجُرِّدَت
مِنَ المَيسِ تَجريدَ السُيوفِ القَواطِعِ

6. While you, man, protect the honor of a noble clan
With your abundant gifts benefiting the generous

٦. وَأَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ تَحمي ذِمارَ عَشيرَةٍ
كِرامٍ بِجَزلٍ مِن عَطائِكَ نافِعِ

7. Great landmark of the house including you, the homes
Your father and events of all-uniting significance

٧. جَسيمُ مَحَلِّ البَيتِ ضَمَّنَكَ القِرى
أَبوكَ وَأَحداثُ الأُمورَ الجَوامِعِ

8. For your house, from all the plains of Kindaf
Chiefs not mere followers of protectorates convening

٨. لِبَيتِكَ مِن أَفناءِ خِندِفَ كُلِّها
عَرانينُ لَيسَت بَالوَشيطِ التَوابِعِ

9. And every bridge thronged with hundreds, every guest-house
When horizons are obscured by gusts disrupting

٩. وَكُلُّ جَسورٍ بِالمِئينَ وَمُطعِمٍ
إِذا اِغبَرَّ آفاقُ الرِياحِ الزَعازِعِ

10. So how many a father, Nasr son of Sayyar, you have
Who frightens when he turns his protected head veiling

١٠. فَكَم لَكَ يا نَصرَ بنَ سَيّارَ مِن أَبٍ
أَغَرَّ إِذا اِلتَفَّت نَواصي المَجامِعِ

11. Seniors and youths, hastening to the fray
With spears, long-reaching hands retrieving

١١. كُهولٌ وَشُبّانٌ مَساعيرُ في الوَغى
لَهُم بِالقَنا أَيدٍ طِوالُ الأَشاجِعِ

12. When they bare their swords against a troop
Flashing and gleaming like lightning radiating

١٢. إِذا جَرَّدوا أَسيافَهُم لِكَتيبَةٍ
لَمَعنَ وَميضَ العارِضِ المُتَدافِعِ

13. While you, son of revered elders, when the earth
Was depleted, were like lions undaunted roaring

١٣. وَأَنتَ اِبنُ أَشياخٍ إِذا نَضَبَ الثَرى
مِنَ المَحلِ كانوا كَاللُيوثِ الرَوابِعِ

14. They who guaranteed wealth for neighbor and homeland
When the pits of death were dreaded yawning

١٤. هُمُ الضامِنونَ المالَ لِلجارِ وَالقِرى
مِنَ الأَرضِ إِذ خيفَت جُدوبُ المَواقِعِ