1. The reckless slave has torn his veil asunder,
And with burning arrows set his people's homes ablaze,
١. لَقَد هَتَكَ العَبدُ الطِرِمّاحُ سِترَهُ
وَأَصلى بِنارٍ قَومَهُ فَتَصَلَّتِ
2. Until their faces glow like the visages of swine,
Roasting in the flames, twisted and contorted.
٢. سَعيراً شَوَت مِنهُم وُجوهاً كَأَنَّها
وُجوهُ خَنازيرٍ عَلى النارِ مُلَّتِ
3. The mother of treachery bore no noble scion,
Just a twisted crone, rotten and warped of soul.
٣. فَما أَنجَبَت أُمَّ العَلافِيَّ طَيِّءٌ
وَلَكِن عَجوزٌ أَخبَثَت وَأَقَلَّتِ
4. We found the necklace of disgrace round the neck of Tai,
Clasped right where its people lay down to rest.
٤. وَجَدنا قِلادَ اللُؤمِ حِلفاً لِطَيِّءٍ
مُقارِنُها في حَيثُ باتَت وَظَلَّتِ
5. Their homes could not deter us or ward off the blows
When Tameem's swords flashed bright, thirsty to strike.
٥. وَما مَنَعَتنا دارَها مِن قَبيلَةٍ
إِذا ما تَميمٌ بِالسُيوفِ اِستَظَلَّتِ
6. We are the pure-bred youth of glorious Tameem,
Sons of the noblest fathers men have known.
٦. بَني مُحصَناتٍ مِن تَميمٍ نَجيبَةٍ
لِأَكرَمِ آباءِ مِنَ الناسِ أَدَّتِ
7. But for fear that Tai might be wiped from the earth,
They'd never bow before God, or stop to pray!
٧. وَلَولا حِذارٌ أَن تُقَتَّلَ طَيِّءٌ
لَما سَجَدَت لِلَّهِ يَوماً وَصَلَّتِ
8. Christians and Nabateans who yearly paid the tax,
Swift to deliver their gold when tribute was due.
٨. نَصارى وَأَنباطٌ يُؤَدّونَ جِزيَةً
سِراعاً بِها جَمزاً إِذا هي أُهِلَّتِ
9. We plied them with cups of venom till they swooned and staggered,
And met with our sturdy blades that never tire of wounding.
٩. سَقَتهُم زُعافَ السُمِّ حَتّى تَذَبذَبوا
وَلاقَوا قَناتي صُلبَةً فَاِستَمَرَّتِ
10. The women of Tai loudly trumpet their sins,
And their twisted souls harbor the vilest deeds.
١٠. تُعالِنُ بالسَوءاتِ نِسوانُ طَيِّءٍ
وَأَخبَثُ أَسرارٍ إِذا هي أَسَرَّتِ
11. With foreheads like she-camels, their brows protruding,
When their braids are disheveled and their snarls erupt.
١١. لَها جَبهَةٌ كَالفِهرِ يُندي إِطارُها
إِذا وَرِمَت أَلغادُها وَاِشمَخَرَّتِ
12. Do you recall what fate befell the Azd at our hands?
How Oman bowed before us, humbled and disgraced?
١٢. أَتَذكُرُ شَأنَ الأَزدِ ما أَنتَ مِنهُمُ
وَما لَقِيَت مِنّا عُمانُ وَذَلَّتِ
We slew them until we rid the land of their routed remnants,
١٣. قَتَلناهُمُ حَتّى أَبَرنا شَريدَهُم
وَقَد سُبِيَت نِسوانُهُم وَاِستُحِلَّتِ
14. Made free their captured women, all lawful as spoils.
You forget the day at Qindabil, that fateful day,
١٤. نَسيتُم بِقِندابيلَ يَوماً مُذَكَّراً
شَهيراً وَقَتلى الأَزدِ بِالقاعِ جُرَّتِ