
By my life, verily Hanifa has forged a sword

لعمري لقد سلت حنيفة سلة

1. By my life, verily Hanifa has forged a sword
Swords that refused to be shamed on the day of battle

١. لَعَمري لَقَد سَلَّت حَنيفَةُ سَلَّةً
سُيوفاً أَبَت يَومَ الوَغى أَن تُعَيَّرا

2. Swords with which Hanifa was striking
The noble deeds of days that turn young men gray

٢. سُيوفاً بِها كانَت حَنيفَةُ تَبتَني
مَكارِمَ أَيّامٍ تُشيبُ الحَزَوَّرا

3. With them they met those who slandered Khalid
And had it been other than the truth, they would have denied it

٣. بِهِنَّ لَقوا بِالعَرضِ أَصحابَ خالِدٍ
وَلَو كانَ غَيرَ الحَقِّ لاقوا لَأُنكِرا

4. Did you see the Kharijites the day you met them
At Burqan, a day that turns the expanse yellow

٤. أَرَينَ الحَرورِيِّينَ يَومَ لَقيتَهُم
بِبُرقانَ يَوماً يَقلِبُ الجَونَ أَشقَرا

5. So the swords shone at Burqan and the spears
Showed sincerely the devotion to Islam that was kept hidden

٥. فَأَبدَت بِبُرقانَ السُيوفُ وَبِالقَنا
مِنَ النُصحِ لِلإِسلامِ ما كانَ مُضمَرا

6. They made for Mas'ud and his sister Zainab
A cloak and gown of red death

٦. جَعَلنَ لِمَسعودٍ وَزَينَبَ أُختِهِ
رِداءً وَجِلباباً مِنَ المَوتِ أَحمَرا

7. No shame to a sword with its erect blade
If a hand of Lujaym should waver and break

٧. فَما شيمَ مِن سَيفٍ بِقائِمِ نَصلِهِ
يَدٌ مِن لُجَيمٍ أَو يُفَلَّ وَيُكسَرا

8. They came down to the Abode of the Protectors, protectively
As they prevented dates for those who were ripening

٨. هُمُ نَزَلوا دارَ الحِفاظَ حَفيظَةً
وَهُم يَمنَعونَ التَمرَ مِمَّن تَمَضَّرا

9. Were it not for the men of Hanifa who fought
With Burqan, the shoulder of religion would have grown frail

٩. فَلَولا رِجالٌ مِن حَنيفَةَ جالَدوا
بِبُرقانَ أَمسى كاهِلُ الدينِ أَزوَرا

10. A ransom for them while alive and in death
When death dons death and is adorned

١٠. فِدىً لَهُمُ حَيّا نِزارٍ كِلاهُما
إِذا المَوتُ بِالمَوتِ اِرتَدى وَتَأَزَّرا

11. Nights of Lujaym at Dhara and which of us
Will face them and be the most prudent in the fray

١١. لَيالي لُجَيمٌ بِالذَراةِ وَأَيَّنا
يُلاقوا يَكونوا في الوَقائِعِ أَذكَرا