1. Every tear in the torn shirt
As if flayed skin on it, its tatters fluttering,
١. تَرى كُلَّ مُنشَقِّ القَميصِ كَأَنَّما
عَلَيهِ بِهِ سِلخٌ تَطيرُ رَعابِلُه
2. Continual darkness made him lean
Away from the saddle; his eyes, head, and joints bent.
٢. سَقاهُ الكَرى الإِدلاجُ حَتّى أَمالَهُ
عَنِ الرَحلِ عَيناً رَأسُهُ وَمَفاصِلُه
3. I called out, "O vanquished ones! Is there a helper
For a corpse that nears the ground, leaning?"
٣. وَنادَيتُ مَغلوبينَ هَل مِن مُعاوِنٍ
عَلى مَيِّتٍ يَدنو مِنَ الأَرضِ مائِلُه
4. He did not raise his eyes until I stood him up,
As if with weapons I were fighting him.
٤. فَما رَفَعَ العَينَينِ حَتّى أَقامَهُ
وَعيدي كَأَنّي بِالسِلاحِ أُقاتِلُه
5. I gave him the strength that was in his marrow
With my ransom, while the night wrapped him in its dark shadows.
٥. أَقَمتُ لَهُ المَيلَ الَّذي في نُخاعِهِ
بِتَفدِيَتي وَاللَيلُ داجٍ غَياطِلُه
6. My shining sword long delayed me.
My concern pierced through to his inner heart.
٦. قَدِ اِستَبطَأَت مِنّي نَوارُ صَريمَتي
وَقَد كانَ هَمّي يَنفُذُ القَلبَ داخِلُه
7. A she-ostrich saw me; I bared her back for a year,
While my concerns found no rest for their mounts.
٧. رَأَت أَينُقاً عَرّيتُ عاماً ظُهورُها
وَما كانَ هَمّي تَستَريحُ رَواحِلُه
8. Vultures left them no remainder
On a constant morning raid and its evening returns.
٨. حَراجيجُ لَم يَترُك لَهُنَّ بَقِيَّةً
غُدُوُّ نَهارٍ دايِمٍ وَأَصايِلُه
9. They warded off from the clinging ribs
Ravens descending on them.
٩. يُقاتِلنَ عَن أَصلابِ لاصِقَةِ الذُرى
مِنَ الطَيرِ غِرباناً عَلَيها نَوازِلُه
10. So if you accompany us, shining sword, you will share
Your prayers in the empty wilderness, its valleys winding,
١٠. فَإِن تَصحَبينا يا نَوارُ تُناصِفي
صَلاتَكِ في فَيفٍ تَكُرُّ حَواجِلُه
11. The places where partridges fall on their knees,
At dawn the color of roses, its thorns entwined,
١١. مَواقِعَ أَطلاحٍ عَلى رُكَباتِها
أُنيخَت وَلَونُ الصُبحِ وَردٌ شَواكِلُه
12. And you will simmer eagerly on the back of a speeding she-camel,
Her front knee bare, her shoulders sturdy,
١٢. وَتَختَمِري عَجلى عَلى ظَهرِ رَسلَةٍ
لَها ثَبَجٌ عاري المَعَدَّينِ كاهِلُه
13. While we sniffed no wind on earth
Heading for tomorrow, until its shadows transferred.
١٣. وَما طَمِعَت بِالأَرضِ رائِحَةً بِنا
إِلى الغَدِ حَتّى يَنقُلَ الظِلَّ ناقِلُه
14. The saddled beasts experience injustice, stirred up behind them
When destiny collided with its tilting misfortunes.
١٤. تَسومُ المَطايا الضَيمَ يَحفِدنَ خَلفَها
إِذا زاحَمَ الأَحقابَ بِالغَرضِ جائِلُه