
The generous man is content when his hands suffice him,

يرضى الجواد إذا كفاه وازنتا

1. The generous man is content when his hands suffice him,
One of my two hands equals the hands of Nasr ibn Sayyar.

١. يَرضى الجَوادُ إِذا كَفّاهُ وازَنَتا
إِحدى يَمينَي يَدَي نَصرِ بنِ سَيّارِ

2. His hands are the best hands I've heard of among men
For good deeds and for preventing wrong.

٢. يَداهُ خَيرُ يَدَي شَيءٌ سَمِعتُ بِهِ
مِنَ الرِجالِ لِمَعروفٍ وَإِنكارِ

3. He who stirs up trouble is like a dog who barks
At those who approach the fire.

٣. العابِطَ الكومَ إِذ هَبَّت شَآمِيَةً
وَقاتَلَ الكَلبُ مَن يَدنو إِلى النارِ

4. While the gracious noble one has auspicious deeds,
And prevents harm from reaching his neighbor.

٤. وَالقائِلُ الفاعِلُ المَيمونُ طائِرُهُ
وَالمانِعُ الضَيمَ أَن يَدنو إِلى الجارِ

5. How much generosity and giving is in you,
Flowing forth like a turbulent sea!

٥. كَم فيكَ إِن عُدِّدَ المَعروفُ مِن كَرَمٍ
وَنائِلٍ كَخَليجِ المُزبِدِ الجاري

6. You are the generous one whose supererogatory gifts are hoped for,
And furthest of all people from shame.

٦. أَنتَ الجَوادُ الَّذي تَرجى نَوافُلُهُ
وَأَبعَدَ الناسِ كُلِّ الناسِ مِن عارِ

7. And closest of all people in nobility -
He gives desires without a care for poverty.

٧. وَأَقرَبُ الناسِ كُلِّ الناسِ مِن كَرَمٍ
يُعطي الرَغائِبَ لَم يَهمُم بِإِقتارِ