
Huraym breached the walls of Babylon with his spear

أحل هريم يوم بابل بالقنا

1. Huraym breached the walls of Babylon with his spear
To free the votive offerings of Tameem's women taken captive

١. أَحَلَّ هُرَيمٌ يَومَ بابِلَ بِالقَنا
نُذورَ نِساءٍ مِن تَميمٍ فَحَلَّتِ

2. So they awoke no longer valuing their own souls
If death should take others while they remained alive

٢. فَأَصبَحنَ لا يَشرينَ نَفساً بِنَفسِهِ
مِنَ الناسِ إِن عَنهُ المَنِيَّةُ زَلَّتِ

3. Ever first to thrust his lance before the cavalry
And last to turn away when the ranks retreated

٣. يَكونُ أَمامَ الخَيلِ أَوَّلَ طاعِنٍ
وَيَضرِبُ أُخراها إِذا هِيَ وَلَّتِ

4. At dusk not knowing whether to advance his sword
Or yield his hand when paralyzed by fear

٤. عَشِيَّةَ لا يَدري يَزيدُ أَيَنتَحي
عَلى السَيفِ أَم يُعطي يَداً حينَ شَلَّتِ

5. And dawn found him slaughtering like a yellow camel
Her legs struck if she strayed or turned away

٥. وَأَصبَحَ كَالشَقراءَ تُنحَرُ إِن مَضَت
وَتُضرَبُ ساقاها إِذا ما تَوَلَّتِ

6. By my life Huraym made plain with his sword
Faces masked in dust now laid bare

٦. لَعَمري لَقَد جَلّى هُرَيمٌ بِسَيفِهِ
وُجوهاً عَلَتها غَبرَةٌ فَتَجَلَّتِ

7. "How can there be battle?" said one woman
Had she but seen Huraym her eyes would have rolled in fear

٧. وَقائِلَةٍ كَيفَ القِتالُ وَلَو رَأَت
هُرَيماً لَدارَت عَينَها وَاِسمَدَرَّتِ

8. He charged ever foremost, never holding back
Horses shied at the sight of him in full retreat

٨. وَما كَرَّ إِلّا كانَ أَوَّلَ طاعِنٍ
وَلا عايَنَتهُ الخَيلُ إِلّا اِشمَأَزَّتِ

9. Son of Marwan, leading his troops has come against you
Eighty thousand horses, their tents spread dark beneath them

٩. أَتاكَ اِبنُ مَروانُ يَقودُ جُنودَهُ
ثَمانينَ أَلفاً خَيلَها قَد أَظَلَّتِ

10. Of no avail the moat you dug around you
When their blades leapt clear of scabbards like flashes of light

١٠. فَلَم يُغنِ ما خَندَقتَ حَولَكَ نَقرَةً
مِنَ البيضِ مِن أَغمادِها حينَ سُلَّتِ

11. As though the skulls of Azd were the white domes of Hanthal
Scattering over their shoulders when put to flight

١١. كَأَنَّ رُؤوسَ الأَزدِ خُبطانُ حَنظَلٍ
تَخِرُّ عَلى أَكتافِهِم حينَ وَلَّتِ

12. The Syrian troops swooped down on you in multitudes
With breastplates clattering like birds taking wing in haste

١٢. أَتَتكَ جُنودُ الشامِ تَخفِقُ فَوقَها
لَها خِرَقٌ كَالطَيرِ حينَ اِستَقَلَّتِ

13. Soothsayers warn that you have broken faith
With Damascus, rallying point when war was stirred

١٣. تُخَبِّرَكَ الكُهّانُ أَنَّكَ ناقِضٌ
دِمَشقَ الَّتي كانَت إِذا الحَربُ حَرَّتِ

14. Rocks of ash scattered from the peak of Sharaa
Pelting the foe in spite of them wrought long in vain

١٤. صُخورُ الشَظا مِن فَرعِ ذي الشَريِ فَاِنتَمَت
فَطالَت عَلى رَغمِ العِدا فَاِشمَخَرَّتِ