1. Even if he prayed eighty pilgrimages
And fasted, sacrificing white camels
١. وَإِن كانَ قَد صَلّى ثَمانينَ حِجَّةً
وَصامَ وَأَهدى البُدنَ بيضاً خِلالُها
2. If the pilgrims, the family of Mu'tib fled
They would meet a state which the enemy brandished
٢. لَئِن نَفَرُ الحَجّاجِ آلُ مُعَتِّبٍ
لَقوا دَولَةً كانَ العَدُوُّ يُدالُها
3. The living among them have become humiliated
And their abode is in the fire, its flames blazing
٣. لَقَد أَصبَحَ الأَحياءُ مِنهُم أَذِلَّةً
وَفي النارِ مَثواهُم كُلوحاً سِبالُها
4. And they used to watch others' misfortunes
So ruin befell them with punishment unleashed
٤. وَكانوا يَرَونَ الدائِراتِ بِغَيرِهِم
فَصارَ عَلَيهِم بِالعَذابِ اِنفِتالُها
5. When told, 'Fear God', arrogance would grip him
Arrogance that cannot be overcome in dispute
٥. وَكانَ إِذا قيلَ اِتَّقي اللَهَ شَمَّرَت
بِهِ عِزَّةٌ لا يُستَطاعُ جِدالُها
6. Guide me to the one who was in China when
India cast at him tablets with its edicts inscribed
٦. أَلِكني إِلى مَن كانَ بِالصينِ إِذ رَمَت
بِهِ الهِندَ أَلواحٌ عَلَيها جِدلالُها
7. Come to Islam and justice is with us
The lowly ways have died out from Iraq's realm
٧. هَلُمَّ إِلى الإِسلامِ وَالعَدلُ عِندَنا
فَقَد ماتَ عَن أَرضِ العِراقِ خِبالُها
8. No humble soul remains upon the earth
Except Solomon, his wealth hers to claim
٨. فَما أَصبَحَت في الأَرضِ نَفسٌ فَقيرَةٌ
وَلا غَيرُها إِلّا سُلَيمانُ مالُها
9. Your right hand settles matters with oaths
While the best left hand is with the virtuous its mate
٩. يَمينَكَ في الأَيمانِ فاصِلَةٌ لَها
وَخَيرُ شِمالٍ عِندَ خَيرٍ شِمالُها
10. You have become the best of people and the guided one
To moderation, fortitude, rope tightly braided
١٠. فَأَصبَحتَ خَيرَ الناسِ وَالمُهتَدى بِهِ
إِلى القَصدِ وَالوُثقى الشَديدِ حِبالُها
11. Your hands are hands that freed prisoners
Another pours rain, its charity raining
١١. يَداكَ يَدُ الأَسرى الَّتي أَطلَقَتهُمُ
وَأُخرى هِيَ الغَيثُ المُغيثُ نَوالُها
12. How many shackles have your palms released
From the misery, knots beyond hope of unravelling
١٢. وَكَم أَطلَقَت كَفّاكَ مِن قَيدِ بائِسٍ
وَمِن عُقدَةٍ ما كانَ يُرجى اِنحِلالُها
13. Many prisoners you released from fetters
Removed chains from necks they encircled
١٣. كَثيراً مِنَ الأَسرى الَّتي قَد تَكَنَّعَت
فَكَكتَ وَأَعناقاً عَلَيها غِلالُها
14. We found the Marwanids pillars of our faith
As the earth has mountains, their peaks unwilling to bow
١٤. وَجَدنا بَني مَروانَ أَوتادَ دينِنا
كَما الأَرضُ أَوتادٌ عَلَيها جِبالُها
15. While you are to this faith like the qiblah
Which if people lose their way, guides their misguidance
١٥. وَأَنتُم لِهَذا الدينِ كَالقِبلَةِ الَّتي
بِها إِن يَضِلَّ الناسُ يَهدي ضَلالُها