
If you ask the elders of the clan of Mazin

إن تسأل الأشياخ من آل مازن

1. If you ask the elders of the clan of Mazin
You will be led back to many a night of revelry

١. إِن تَسأَلِ الأَشياخَ مِن آلِ مازِنٍ
تُرَدَّ إِلى عِلجٍ كَثيرِ القَوادِحِ

2. And how many are there in the villages of Maysan
A village of warriors with tattooed arms for Saleh

٢. وَكَم في قُرى مَيسانَ مِن عِلجِ قَريَةٍ
قَريبٍ بِكَفَّيهِ الوُشومُ لِصالِحِ

3. They say, “Say good morning to Saleh and seek his aid”
Yet Saleh is not a man to be moved by entreaty

٣. يَقولونَ صَبِّح صالِحاً فَاِستَغِث بِهِ
وَما صالِحٌ ريحُ الخُروءِ بِصالِحِ