1. The living in every homeland knew
That Tameem's wood would not be bent
١. لَقَد عَلِمَ الأَحياءُ في كُلِّ مَوطِنٍ
بِأَنَّ تَميماً لَيسَ يُغمَزُ عودُها
2. When the living are called one day to the fight
And their skins shiver from the warrior
٢. إِذا نُدِبَ الأَحياءُ يَوماً إِلى الوَغى
وَراحَت مِنَ الماذِيِّ جَوناً جُلودُها
3. You knew that the glory was in them and from them
When the peers met, their lions rose
٣. عَلِمتَ بِأَنَّ العِزَّ فيهِم وَمِنهُمُ
إِذا ما اِلتَقى الأَقرانُ ثارَ أُسودُها
4. And one day of Tameem is a day of war and help
And a day of glories that drag their tails
٤. وَيَوما تَميمٍ يَومُ حَربٍ وَنَجدَةٍ
وَيَومُ مَقاماتٍ تُجَرُّ بُرودُها
5. As if you did not know the Ghatarif of Khindif
When they preached above the pulpits their prey
٥. كَأَنَّكَ لَم تَعرِف غَطاريفَ خِندِفٍ
إِذا خَطَبَت فَوقَ المَنابِرِ صيدُها
6. When the alive gathered, Qais and Khindif
There was Ma’ad, their protector and their number
٦. إِذا اِجتَمَعَ الحَيّانِ قَيسٌ وَخِندِفٌ
فَثَمَّ مَعَدٌّ هامُها وَعَديدُها
7. And that a man who hopes for Tameem and its glory
Is like one extending his palm to the stars, desiring them
٧. وَإِنَّ اِمرِأً يَرجو تَميماً وَعِزَّها
كَباسِطِ كَفٍّ لِلنُجومِ يُريدُها
8. And from us is the Prophet of God reciting His book
By which their idols and Jews were subdued
٨. وَمِنّا نَبِيُّ اللَهِ يَتلو كِتابَهُ
بِهِ دُوِّخَت أَوثانُها وَيَهودُها
9. And no people spent the night praying towards a direction
Except Quraysh leading them
٩. وَما باتَ مِن قَومٍ يُصَلّونَ قِبلَةً
وَلا غَيرُهُم إِلّا قُرَيشٌ تَقودُها