1. No stream has flowed in valleys like their valleys,
Their waters all pushed together into a sea when enraged.
١. وَما سالَ في وادٍ كَأَودِيَةٍ لَهُ
دَفَعنَ مَعاً في بَحرِهِ حينَ أَزبَدا
2. And the sea of Abu Sufyan and his sons comes together with
A powerful, impenetrable fortress when it rises high.
٢. وَبَحرُ أَبي سُفيانَ وَاِبنَيهِ يَلتَقي
لَهُنَّ إِذا يَعلو الحَصينَ المُشَيَّدا
3. You see among their herds on the shores of the two seas
Beasts that have clustered together like heavy rainclouds.
٣. رَأَيتَ مِنَ الأَنعامِ في حافَتَيهِما
بَهائِمَ قَد كُنَّ الغُثاءَ المُنَضَّدا
4. Of all the mothers, I know none like Jesus's mother;
She is the best of mothers and most glorious.
٤. فَلا أُمَّ إِلّا أُمَّ عيسى عَلِمتُها
كَأُمِّكَ خَيراً أُمَّهاتٍ وَأَمجَدا
5. And if all fathers were counted, you're the son of the best of them,
And their brightest diadems in glory most polished.
٥. وَإِن عُدَّتِ الآباءُ كُنتَ اِبنَ خَيرِهِم
وَأَملاكِها الأَورَينَ في المَجدِ أَزنُدا