1. The two imprudent men ruined my affair, so they weep
With bleeding lament for the absent one fiercely raging.
١. ضَيَّعَ أَمري الأَقعَسانِ فَأَصبَحا
عَلى نَدِبٍ يَدمى مِنَ الشَرِّ غارِبُه
2. Had they adopted proper measures for my affair, they would have forced
The most crooked side of disobedience into the straight path.
٢. وَلَو أَخَذا أَسبابَ أَمري لَأَلجَآ
إِلى أَشَبِ العِصيانِ أَزوَرَ جانِبُه
3. Impregnable are the clan of Sufyan beneath his banner
When the summoner rises and the milk-cows return.
٣. مَنيعٍ بَنو سُفيانَ تَحتَ لِوائِهِ
إِذا ثَوَّبَ الداعي وَجاءَت حَلائِبُه
4. You will recall the days gone by with friends when you meet
As a guest, and see what his seeker has done to him.
٤. سَتَذكُرُ أَفناءَ الرِفاقِ إِذا اِلتَقَت
مَزاداً وَتُرسى كَيفَ أَحدَثَ طالِبُه
5. I thought Abu Qays to be the donkey of the law,
While he stopped for you when dawn had made plain its eyebrow.
٥. حَسِبتُ أَبا قَيسٍ حِمارَ شَريعَةٍ
قَعَدتَ لَهُ وَالصُبحُ قَد لاحَ حاجِبُه
6. If you were the sword of the son of the unjust tyrant,
You would have struck till the kinsfolk of dead Auf cried out.
٦. فَلَو كُنتَ بِالمَعلوبِ سَيفِ اِبنِ ظالِمٍ
ضَرَبتَ لَزارَت قَبرَ عَوفٍ قَرائِبُه
7. But you found the arrow too heavy beyond your strength,
So blood which you sought has destroyed you.
٧. وَلَكِن وَجَدتَ السَهمَ أَهوَنَ فَوقَةً
عَلَيكَ فَقَد أَودى دَمٌ أَنتَ طالِبُه
8. If you two do not take thought for your brother
To make a voice echo between the bow-ends of the racers,
٨. فَإِن أَنتُما لَم تَجعَلا بِأَخيكُما
صَدىً بَينَ أَكماعِ السِباقِ يُجاوِبُه
9. Would that you two had been, sons of Sufyan, instead of blood
Flowing between its planks, the bilge of a ship!
٩. فَلَيتَكُما يا اِبنَي سُفَينَةَ كُنتُما
دَماً بَينَ حاذَيها تَسيلُ سَبائِبُه