
You have been nurtured by the noble branches of Rabee'ah, for glory,

نمى بك من فرعي ربيعة للعلى

1. You have been nurtured by the noble branches of Rabee'ah, for glory,
So that the onlooker's gaze is awed by you.

١. نَمى بِكَ مِن فَرعَي رَبيعَةَ لِلعُلى
بِحَيثُ يَرُدُّ الطَرفَ لِلعَينِ ناظِرُه

2. Swings of chiefs, great ancestors,
Whose bravery in days of defamation flames.

٢. مَراجيحُ ساداتٌ عِظامٌ جُدودُها
وَفيهِم لِأَيّامِ الطِعانِ مَساعِرُه

3. And he who seeks the refuge of a people finds for them
Landmarks of might and greatness and remarkable feats.

٣. وَمَن يَطَّلِب مَسعاةَ قَومٍ يَجِد لَهُم
شَماريخَ مِن عِزٍّ عِظامٍ مَآثِرُه

4. I found the Indian spear in you slandering,
And a blow that makes heads spill their blood.

٤. وَجَدتُ القَنا الهِندِيَّ فيكُم طِعانُهُ
وَضَربٌ يُدَهدي لِلرُؤوسِ فَوادِرُه

5. When the coat of mail twists around an arm,
With their swords, and death in red circles around it.

٥. إِذا ما يَدُ الدِرعُ اِلتَوى ساعِدٌ لَهُ
بِأَسيافِهِم وَالمَوتُ حُمرٌ دَوائِرُه

6. I saw women seeking lances as our strongholds
When their supporter surrendered the reinforcements.

٦. رَأَيتُ النِساءَ الساعِياتِ رِماحُنا
مَعاقِلُها إِذ أَسلَمَ الغَوثَ ناصِرُه

7. When the two honored Mudars meet
Towards you, the eminent above all people has thrived.

٧. إِذا المُضَرانِ الأَكرَمانِ تَلاقَيا
إِلَيكَ فَقَد أَربى عَلى الناسِ فاخِرُه

8. When Khindif comes and Qais meets,
Their riding camels fill the plains.

٨. إِذا خِندِفٌ جاءَت وَقَيسٌ إِذ اِلتَقَت
بِرُكبانِها حَجٌّ مِلاءٌ مَشاعِرُه

9. By the right of a man whom people cannot equal,
The clan of Bazraa from Qais Ailan are its supporters.

٩. بِحَقِّ اِمرِئٍ لا يَبلُغُ الناسُ قِبصَهُ
بَنو البَزَرى مِن قَيسِ عَيلانَ ناصِرُه

10. To them the pinnacle of glory and impenetrability extends,
And the impenetrability when its matcher tried to breach it failed.

١٠. إِلَيهِم تَناهَت ذِروَةُ المَجدِ وَالحَصى
وَقِبصُ الحَصى إِذ حَصَّلَ القِبصَ خابِرُه

11. Tameem and whatever Hawazin included,
Their greatness the unifier has fastened together.

١١. تَميمٌ وَما ضَمَّت هَوازِنَ أَصبَحَت
وَعَظمُهُما المُنهاضُ قَد شُدَّ جابِرُه

12. I saw Hisham block the doors of strife,
With a leader whose caution suffices what he fears.

١٢. رَأَيتُ هِشاماً سَدَّ أَبوابَ فِتنَةً
بِراعٍ كَفى مِن خَوفِهِ ما يُحاذِرُه

13. With a select one from Qais Ailan, he ascended
His hands to the stars and its brightest.

١٣. بِمُنتَجِبٍ مِن قَيسِ عَيلانَ صَعَّدَت
يَدَيهِ إِلى ذاتِ البُروجِ أَكابِرُه

14. So no eminent person from Qais Ailan rivals him,
Nor the many from them match him.

١٤. فَما أَحَدٌ مِن قَيسِ عَيلانَ فاخِراً
عَلَيهِ وَلا مِنهُم كَثيرٌ يُكاثِرُه

15. Eyes that were sleepless, their night was smoothed,
And every door of wind and settled was opened.

١٥. وَنامَت عُيونٌ كانَ سُهِّدَ لَيلُها
وَفَتَّحَ باباً كُلُّ بادٍ وَحاضِرُه

16. If only a kinship would return to me,
And forbearance upon Qais, spacious its views!

١٦. أَلَمّا يَنَل لي أَن تَعودَ قَرابَةً
وَحِلمٌ عَلى قَيسٍ رِحابٌ مَناظِرُه