1. To you our mounts hastened, O son of Al-Walid
And their riders are most keen to reach you and most steadfast
١. إِلَيكَ سَمَت يا اِبنَ الوَليدِ رِكابُنا
وَرُكبانُها أَسمى إِلَيكَ وَأَعمَدُ
2. Towards a life we approached full of reliance
Hastening, and what a good band of riders and well-determined!
٢. إِلى عُمَرٍ أَقبَلنَ مُعتَمِداتِهِ
سَراعاً وَنِعمَ الرَكبُ وَالمُتَعَمَّدُ
3. You raced not except that you came first to the horses
And you did not return except that you were the most praiseworthy in returning
٣. وَلَم تَجرِ إِلّا جِئتَ لِلخَيلِ سابِقاً
وَلا عُدتَ إِلّا أَنتَ في العودِ أَحمَدُ
4. To the son of the two Imams whose father was
An Imam, if not for prophethood, would be prostrated to
٤. إِلى اِبنِ الإِمامَينِ اللَذَينِ أَبوهُما
إِمامٌ لَهُ لَولا النُبوَّةُ يُسجَدُ
5. When he grants today, his granting surpasses
What he previously gave when tomorrow dawns
٥. إِذا هُوَ أَعطى اليَومَ زادَ عَطاؤُهُ
عَلى ما مَضى مِنهُ إِذا أَصبَحَ الغَدُ
6. By the right of a man whose loyalty is between Al-Walid and
Kinda above the heights ascending
٦. بِحَقِّ اِمرِئٍ بَينَ الوَليدِ قَناتُهُ
وَكِندَةَ فَوقَ المُرتَقى يَتَصَعَّدُ
7. I say to a letter whose saddle did not leave it a
Saddlecloth and the stirring of war when it was excited
٧. أَقولُ لِحَرفٍ لَم يَدَع رَحلُها لَها
سَناماً وَتَثويرُ القَطا وَهوَ هُجَّدُ
8. Upon you O gem of mankind, whoever you reach
Then none after is more deserving in the eligible
٨. عَلَيكِ فَتى الناسِ الَّذي إِن بَلَغتِهِ
فَما بَعدَهُ في نائِلٍ مُتَلَدَّدُ
9. And he has two fires, both of which have
An eternal abode in front of his house kindled
٩. وَإِنَّ لَهُ نارَينِ كِلتاهُما لَها
قِرىً دائِمٌ قُدّامَ بَيتَيهِ توقَدُ
10. This one is for the whims of the satiated women when they please
And this one a hand in which is the sharpened sword
١٠. فَهَذي لِعَبطِ المُشبَعاتِ إِذا شَتا
وَهَذي يَدٌ فيها الحُسامُ المُهَنَّدُ
11. If glory immortalized a man during his life
You are immortalized, and none after the Prophet is immortalized
١١. وَلَو خَلَّدَ الفَخرُ اِمرَأً في حَياتِهِ
خَلَدتَ وَما بَعدَ النَبِيُّ مُخَلَّدُ
12. And you are a man accustomed to glory as a habit
Does a doer act except with what he is accustomed?
١٢. وَأَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ عُوِّدتَ لِلمَجدِ عادَةً
وَهَل فاعِلٌ إِلّا بِما يَتَعَوَّدُ
13. You ask me, why am I aloof from your side
More preoccupied with aloofness or my eye diseased?
١٣. تُسائِلُني ما بالُ جَنبِكَ جافِياً
أَهَمٌّ جَفا أَم جَفنُ عَينِكَ أَرمَدُ
14. So I said to her, no but it is because of children I see
And they have naught in which the rain has a basin
١٤. فَقُلتُ لَها لا بَل عِيالٌ أَراهُمُ
وَما لُهُمُ ما فيهِ لِلغَيثِ مَقعَدُ