1. He has equipped himself, yet no soul has any means to repel
The arrival of its destined death by its weapons
١. تَزَوَّد فَما نَفسٌ بِعامِلَةٍ لَها
إِذا ما أَتاها بِالمَنايا حَديدُها
2. A soul is close to having its life as its end
And if death touches it for long, its endurance is its eternity
٢. فَيوشِكَ نَفسٌ أَن تَكونَ حَياتُها
وَإِن مَسَّها مَوتٌ طَويلاً خُلودُها
3. And you will see the soul that labored for itself
When the soul cannot speak and its arteries die
٣. وَسَوفَ تَرى النَفسَ الَّتي اِكتَدَحَت لَها
إِذا النَفسُ لَم تَنطِق وَماتَ وَريدُها
4. And how much grace and favor is owed
To Abul Ashbal, as his generosity freed me
٤. وَكَم لِأَبي الأَشبالِ مِن فَضلِ نِعمَةٍ
بِكَفَّيهِ عِندي أَطلَقَتني سُعودُها
5. So I began walking on my two legs standing
On them, when previously sitting on them was prolonged
٥. فَأَصبَحتُ أَمشي فَوقَ رِجلَيَّ قائِماً
عَلَيها وَقَد كانَت طَويلاً قُعودُها
6. And how much grace and favor, O son of Abdullah
Through your hands upon me, its presence was not obscured
٦. وَكَم يا اِبنَ عَبدِ اللَهِ مِن فَضلِ نِعمَةٍ
بِكَفَّيكَ عِندي لَم تُغَيَّب شُهودُها
7. And how many domes you have built
Whose pillars' height is extended for those inhabiting it
٧. وَكَم لَكُمُ مِن قُبَّةٍ قَد بَنَيتُمُ
يَطولُ عِمادَ المُبتَنينَ عِمودُها
8. Bajailah of Khalid built it with her hands
And through it obtained the highest level of increase
٨. بَنَتها بِأَيديها بَجيلَةُ خالِدٍ
وَنالَ بِها أَعلى السَماءِ يَزيدُها
9. I found you rising above every tribe
When the peers of commandments were severe in their strength
٩. وَجَدتُكُمُ تَعلونَ كُلَّ قُبَيلَةٍ
إِذا اِعتَزَّ أَقرانَ الأُمورِ شَديدُها
10. And whenever Bajailah met a raid
Among you was its protector, and among you its chief
١٠. وَكانَت إِذا لاقَت بَجيلَةُ غارَةً
فَمِنكُم مُحاميها وَمِنكُم عَميدُها
11. And you were, whenever women raised their skirts
To hasten in fear, among you were their lions
١١. وَكُنتُم إِذا عالى النِساءُ ذُيولَها
لِيَسعَينَ مِن خَوفٍ فَمِنكُم أُسودُها
12. And Bajailah of Khalid has never spent a day
Without you leading her or among you one who leads her
١٢. وَما أَصبَحَت يَوماً بَجيلَةُ خالِدٍ
وَإِلّا لَكُم أَو مِنكُمُ مَن يَقودُها
13. When she donned armor and marched forth
To the clad in armor in a march that finds none to repel her
١٣. إِذا هِيَ ماسَت في الدُروعِ وَأَقبَلَت
إِلى الباسِ مَشياً لَم تَجِد مَن يَذودُها
14. By my life, if Bajailah has spent the morning
Having demolished the people of glory, their glory
١٤. لَعَمري لَئِن كانَت بَجيلَةُ أَصبَحَت
قَدِ اِهتَضَمَت أَهلَ الجُدودِ جُدودُها