1. My father whom one would boast of
Was raised above whomsoever he wished
١. وَجَدّي عِقالٌ مَن يَكُن فاخِراً بِهِ
عَلى الناسِ يُرفَع فَوقَ مَن شاءَ مَرفَعا
2. And my uncle whom Ma'add chose as ruler
Over people when they gathered in Ukaz
٢. وَعَمّي الَّذي اِختارَت مَعَدٌّ حُكومَةً
عَلى الناسِ إِذ وافَوا عُكاظَ بِها مَعا
3. He is the best, the virtuous bald one
Who built for me enduring lofty glories
٣. هُوَ الأَقرَعُ الخَيرُ الَّذي كانَ يَبتَني
أَواخِيَ مَجدٍ ثابِتٍ أَن يُنَزَّعا
4. So O you who aspires to attain me
My father was better than yours and loftier
٤. فَيا أَيُّهَذا المُؤتَلي لِيَنالَني
أَبي كانَ خَيراً مِن أَبيكَ وَأَرفَعا
5. And this is my time, O clan of Nahshal
I have repelled your class from the heights and it fragmented
٥. وَهَذا أَواني اليَومَ يا آلَ نَهشَلٍ
رَدَيتُ صَفاكُم مِن عَلٍ فَتَصَدَّعا
6. I have repelled you with a firm repulse
As the first of mine had repelled you and weakened your endeavor
٦. رَدَيتُ بِمِرداةٍ بِما كانَ أَوَّلي
رَداكُم فَدَنّى سَعيُكُم فَتَضَعضَعا