
Though Tamim was my home, and though I was the pillar of Qudamis,

إني وإن كانت تميم عمارتي

1. Though Tamim was my home, and though I was the pillar of Qudamis,
I praise the young men of Bakr ibn Wa'il

١. إِنّي وَإِن كانَت تَميمٌ عِمارَتي
وَكُنتُ إِلى القُدموسِ مِنها القُماقِمِ

2. With praise that meets their caravan in seasons of coming and going.
On the day of Dhi Qar they halted and fiercely joined battle,

٢. لَمُثنٍ عَلى أَفناءِ بَكرِ اِبنِ وائِلٍ
ثَناءً يُوافي رَكبَهُم في المَواسِمِ

3. With a leader before whom the bold warriors pale.
They halted against Chosroes when his armies came,

٣. هُمُ يَومَ ذي قارٍ أَناخوا فَصادَموا
بِرَأسٍ بِهِ تُرمى صَفاةُ المُصادِمِ

4. And Bahra when his multitudes approached.
When they had repelled one flank of the foe, another came at them,

٤. أَناخوا لِكِسرى حينَ جاءَت جُنودُهُ
وَبَهراءَ إِذ جاءَت وَجَمعُ الأَراقِمِ

5. But they drove them off with the onslaught of calamity.
With famed, flashing swords that when they met

٥. إِذا فَرَغوا مِن جانِبٍ مالَ جانِبٌ
عَلَيهِم فَذادوهُم ذِيادَ الحَوائِمِ

6. The skulls of the white foe revealed the brains within.
They did not cease until their women came to mourn them

٦. بِمَأثورَةٍ شُهبٍ إِذا هِيَ صادَفَت
ذُرى البيضِ أَبدَت عَن فِراخِ الجَماجِمِ

7. In the plains of Dhi Qar, wandering in distress.
Sufficient are my people, they who support their leader

٧. فَما بَرِحوا حَتّى تَهادَت نِساؤُهُم
بِبَطحاءِ ذي قارٍ عِيابَ اللَطائِمِ

8. When their oaths are tested by disaster.
Men who, when the hound disowns its master,

٨. كَفى بِهُمُ قَومَ اِمرِئٍ يَنصُرونَهُ
إِذا عَصِيَت أَيمانُهُم بِالقَوائِمِ

9. Halt and seek refuge in merciless swords.

٩. أُناسٌ إِذا ما الكَلبُ أَنكَرَ أَهلَهُ
أَناخوا فَعاذوا بِالسُيوفِ الصَوارِمِ