1. Patience refused that I don't see the full moon rising
Nor the sun except reminding me of Ghalib
١. أَبى الصَبرَ أَنّي لا أَرى البَدرَ طالِعاً
وَلا الشَمسَ إِلّا ذَكَّراني بِغالِبِ
2. They were similar to Layla's son, and whoever is
Similar to Layla's son outshines the stars
٢. شَبيهَينِ كانا بِاِبنِ لَيلى وَمَن يَكُن
شَبيهَ اِبنِ لَيلى يَمحُ ضَوءَ الكَواكِبِ
3. He was a young man whom the kings didn't veil
When he passed one day between a door and an eyebrow
٣. فَتىً كانَ أَهلُ المُلكِ لا يَحجِبونَهُ
إِذا فادَ يَوماً بَينَ بابٍ وَحاجِبِ
4. As if Tameem was not afflicted by any calamity
Nor any misfortune before the day of Ibn Ghalib
٤. كَأَنَّ تَميماً لَم تُصِبها مُصيبَةٌ
وَلا حَدَثانٌ قَبلَ يَومِ اِبنِ غالِبِ
5. And if the mountains felt crushed and withered
They would incline towards the hillsides and shoulders
٥. وَلَو شَعَرَ الأَجبالُ دَمخٌ وَيَذبُلٌ
لَمالا بِأَعرافِ الذُرى وَالمَناكِبِ