
Your father and uncle, O Mu'awiya, inherited

أبوك وعمي يا معاوي أورثا

1. Your father and uncle, O Mu'awiya, inherited
A legacy, so the relatives are more entitled to the legacy

١. أَبوكَ وَعَمّي يا مُعاوِيَ أَورَثا
تُراثاً فَأَولى بِالتُراثِ أَقارِبُه

2. Yet you seized the legacy of the Hittites and consumed it
While the legacy of Harb remains intact, melting for you

٢. فَما بالُ ميراثِ الحُتاتِ أَكَلتَهُ
وَميراثُ حَربٍ جامِدٌ لَكَ ذائِبُه

3. Had this been the rule in pre-Islamic times
You'd have known who has little camels among his relatives

٣. فَلَو كانَ هَذا الحُكمُ في جاهِلِيَّةٍ
عَرَفتَ مَنِ المَولى القَليلُ حَلائِبُه

4. Had this matter been outside of your rule
You'd have given it up or choked drinking its water

٤. وَلَو كانَ هَذا الأَمرُ في غَيرِ مِلكِكُم
لَأَدَّيتَهُ أَو غَصَّ بِالماءِ شارِبُه

5. Had it been when we had the upper hand
A raging anger against you would have its swords striking

٥. وَلَو كانَ إِذ كُنّا وَلِلكَفِّ بَسطَةٌ
لَصَمَّمَ عَضبٌ فيكَ ماضٍ مَضارِبُه

6. You've undertaken a matter, O Mu'awiya, beyond which
Are rough patches and difficulties in its levels

٦. وَقَد رُمتَ أَمراً يا مُعاوِيَ دونَهُ
خَياطِفُ عِلوَدٍّ صِعابٌ مَراتِبُه

7. I'd not give half without ability, except to you
Even if its writings were imposed upon me

٧. وَما كُنتُ أُعطي النِصفَ مِن غَيرِ قُدرَةٍ
سِواكَ وَلَو مالَت عَلَيَّ كَتايِبُه

8. Are you not the most honorable people and clan
And the best neighbor when their side is wronged?

٨. أَلَستَ أَعَزَّ الناسِ قَوماً وَأُسرَةً
وَأَمنَعَهُم جاراً إِذا ضيمَ جانِبُه

9. And after the Prophet and his family no one was born
Like me, a stallion among men who rivals him

٩. وَما وَلَدَت بَعدَ النَبِيِّ وَأَهلِهِ
كَمِثلي حِصانٌ في الرِجالِ يُقارِبُه

10. My father is the victorious, and the man is as steadfast
As Darim, so who can match him?

١٠. أَبي غالِبٌ وَالمَرءُ صَعصَعَةُ الَّذي
إِلى دارِمٍ يَنمي فَمَن ذا يُناسِبُه

11. I am the son of the Syrian mountains, innumerable
And my lineage is their bedrock, so who can take account of it?

١١. أَنا اِبنُ الجِبالِ الشُمِّ في عَدَدِ الحَصى
وَعِرقُ الثَرى عِرقي فَمَن ذا يُحاسِبُه

12. And my house has a spacious courtyard
With the shining moon and its stars below it

١٢. وَبَيتي إِلى جَنبٍ رَحيبٍ فِناؤُهُ
وَمِن دونِهِ البَدرُ المُضيءُ كَواكِبُه

13. And how many a father of mine, O Mu'awiya, never ceased
To be struck by the winds however much its sides were harmed

١٣. وَكَم مِن أَبٍ لي يا مُعاوِيَ لَم يَزَل
أَغَرَّ يُباري الريحَ ما اِزوَرَّ جانِبُه

14. The branches of rulers grew yet your father was not
One addressed but a servant of Shams talking to him

١٤. نَمَتهُ فُروعُ المالِكينِ وَلَم يَكُن
أَبوكَ الَّذي مِن عَبدِ شَمسٍ يُخاطِبُه

15. You see him as a sword blade trembling with dew
A steed who met glory since its rider first quenched his thirst

١٥. تَراهُ كَنَصلِ السَيفِ يَهتَزُّ لِلنَدى
جَواداً تَلاقى المَجدَ مُذ طَرَّ شارِبُه

16. Tall, long of sword since before there was
Qussay, while your father was one who addressed him

١٦. طَويلِ نِجادِ السَيفِ مُذ كانَ لَم يَكُن
قُصَيٌّ وَعَبدُ الشَمسِ مِمَّن يُخاطِبُه