
The widows and orphans had lost hope,

إن الأرامل والأيتام قد يئسوا

1. The widows and orphans had lost hope,
And those seeking favors when the news reached them,

١. إِنَّ الأَرامِلَ وَالأَيتامَ قَد يَئِسوا
وَطالِبي العُرفِ إِذ لاقاهُمُ الخَبَرُ

2. That the son of Layla in the land of the Nile had met his fate,
And they hastily went to his noble character.

٢. أَنَّ اِبنَ لَيلى بِأَرضِ النيلِ أَدرَكَهُ
وَهُم سِراعٌ إِلى مَعروفِهِ القَدَرُ

3. When they arrived at a door whose owner
Had benefited much from his favors and generosity,

٣. لَمّا اِنتَهوا عِندَ بابٍ كانَ نائِلُهُ
بِهِ كَثيراً وَمِن مَعروفِهِ فَجَرُ

4. They said: “We buried the son of Layla,” and tears
Poured from their eyes for her days like pearls.

٤. قالوا دَفَنّا اِبنَ لَيلى فَاِستَهَلَّ لَهُم
مِنَ الدُموعِ عَلى أَيّامِها دِرَرُ

5. From eyes that knew they had no choice
And no food when the hot winds blow.

٥. مِن أَعيُنٍ عَلِمَت أَن لا حِجازَ لَهُم
وَلا طَعامَ إِذا ما هَبَّتِ القِرَرُ

6. They remained at his grave seeking forgiveness for him
And they may recite couplets that teaches us lessons.

٦. ظَلّوا عَلى قِبرِهِ يَستَغفِرونَ لَهُ
وَقَد يَقولونَ تاراتٍ لَنا العِبَرُ

7. They kiss the dust above his bones
As pilgrims kiss the Black Stone.

٧. يُقَبِّلونَ تُراباً فَوقَ أَعظُمِهِ
كَما يُقَبَّلُ في المَحجوجَةِ الحَجَرُ

8. To God belongs a land that has been blessed by his tomb,
How can the moon be buried in eroded ground?

٨. لِلَّهِ أَرضٌ أَجَنَّتهُ ضَريحَتُها
وَكَيفَ يُدفَنُ في المَلحودَةِ القَمَرُ