1. The mountains diminished before him, and the last remnants were annihilated.
With what spears of yours will you acquire glory,
١. تَقاصَرَتِ الجِبالُ لَهُ وَطَمَّت
بِهِ حَوماتُ آخَرُ قَد أَنابا
2. When you see that my sea has raging waves?
You see its billows like mountains of luban,
٢. بِأَيَّةِ زَنمَتَيكَ تَنالُ قَومي
إِذا بَحرِي رَأَيتُ لَهُ عُبابا
3. And the surging crests when they fill the expanse.
When its sprays surge in the wings of night,
٣. تَرى أَمواجَهُ كَجِبالِ لُبنى
وَطَودِ الخَيفِ إِذ مَلَأَ الجَنابا
4. You would think there were burning coals upon it.
With mountains around it, it has shadows
٤. إِذا جاشَت ذُراهُ بِجُنحِ لَيلٍ
حَسِبتَ عَلَيهِ حَرّاتٍ وَلابا
5. That have reached the morning draught with the gerboa.
So you are in vilifying the clan of Numayr
٥. مُحيطاً بِالجِبالِ لَهُ ظِلالٌ
مَعَ الجَرباءِ قَد بَلَغَ الطِبابا
6. Like the people of Hell when they found the torment.
They hoped that they would find rest from its heat,
٦. فَإِنَّكَ مِن هِجاءِ بَني نُمَيرٍ
كَأَهلِ النارِ إِذ وَجَدوا العَذابا
7. Yet boiling pitch had become their drink.
If you live in prosperity and good fortune,
٧. رَجَوا مِن حَرِّها أَن يَستَريحوا
وَقَد كانَ الصَديدُ لَهُم شَرابا
8. Neither your father nor forefathers ever prospered or had good fortune.
You have not inherited the knights of Numayr,
٨. فَإِن تَكُ عامِراً أَثرَت وَطابَت
فَما أَثرى أَبوكَ وَما أَطابا
9. Nor Kab nor inherited Kilab.
Rather, you have inherited the evil and worthless estates
٩. وَلَم تَرِثِ الفَوارِسِ مِن نُمَيرٍ
وَلا كَعباً وَرِثتَ وَلا كِلابا
10. Of the clan of Kulaib.
Whoever chooses Hawazin, then chooses Numayr,
١٠. وَلَكِن قَد وَرِثتَ بَني كُلَيبٍ
حَظائِرَها الخَبيثَةَ وَالزِرابا
11. Chooses a lineage of stupidity and shame.
And he who holds back their sprays by the forelocks
١١. وَمَن يَختَر هَوازِنَ ثُمَّ يَختَر
نُمَيراً يَختَرِ الحَسَبَ اللُبابا
12. Are the best horsemen, known to be deadly.
They are the ones who raided the encampments and ransacked
١٢. وَيُمسِك مِن ذُراها بِالنَواصي
وَخَيرَ فَوارِسٍ عُلِموا نِصابا
13. On the day of Madhij, the striking of calamity.
Yet you have left the clan of Kulaib
١٣. هُمُ ضَرَبوا الصَنائِعَ وَاِستَباحوا
بِمَذحِجَ يَومَ ذي كَلَعٍ ضِرابا
14. To every contender, an easy target.
Kulaib is a servant, evil and base;
١٤. وَإِنَّكَ قَد تَرَكتَ بَني كُلَيبٍ
لِكُلِّ مُناضِلٍ غَرَضاً مُصابا
15. None but the most debauched would vilify with it.
You think that when you dispraise with Kulaib,
١٥. كُلَيبٌ دِمنَةٌ خَبُثَت وَقَلَّت
أَبى الآبي بِها إِلّا سِبابا
16. All people are angry at them.
١٦. وَتَحسِبُ مِن مَلائِمِها كُلَيبٍ
عَلَيها الناسُ كُلَّهُمُ غِضابا