
The enemies are not all hypocrites with white hair,

ليس العقائل من شيبان نافقة

1. The enemies are not all hypocrites with white hair,
Among them are youths tied by kinship's bonds.

١. لَيسَ العَقائِلُ مِن شَيبانَ نافِقَةً
وَفيهِمُ مِن كُلَيبٍ عَقدُ أَصهارِ

2. Those who dwell in the abode of disgrace, if they dwell,
Are endowed with hearing and sight like the noble.

٢. النازِلينَ بِدارِ الذُلِّ إِن نَزَلوا
وَالأَلأَمينَ بِأَسماعٍ وَأَبصارِ

3. And truly Hudra was never allied
To censured guest or neighbor.

٣. وَإِنَّ حَدراءَ ما كانَت مُصاهِرَةً
بَينَ الأَلائِمِ مِن ضَيفٍ وَمِن جارِ