1. Let every man who reaches his goal weep for Layla's son,
On a dark night whose darkness overwhelms the gazelles.
١. لِيَبكِ اِبنَ لَيلى كُلُّ سارٍ لِنائِلٍ
عَلى عُرضِ لَيلٍ مُدلَهِمِّ الغَياطِلِ
2. And every man who casts about in fear of it,
Finds himself by morning seeking refuge in the mountain passes.
٢. وَكُلُّ اِمرِئٍ أَلقى يَدَيهِ لِخَوفِها
فَأَصبَحَ مِنها مُستَجيرَ الحَبائِلِ
3. No questioner knocks more often than Ibn Ghalib
On two matters: one of stern punishment, the other of rich reward.
٣. وَما طَرَقَ السُؤالُ مِثلَ اِبنِ غالِبٍ
لِأَمرَينِ جَلّا مِن عِقابٍ وَنائِلِ