1. When Qais and Khundif clashed and every true man fell,
How could people advance with Qais behind them
١. إِذا زَخَرَت قَيسٌ وَخِندِفُ وَاِلتَقى
صَميماهُما إِذ طاحَ كُلُّ صَميمِ
2. When their way ahead was blocked by Tameem?
By Him to whom Khuzeimah's clan came begging,
٢. وَكَيفَ يَسيرُ الناسُ قَيسٌ وَراءَهُم
وَقَد سُدَّ ما قُدّامَهُم بِتَميمِ
3. The mighty unvanquished tribe of Badr,
None but they could clear the path,
٣. فَلا وَالَّذي تَلقى خُزَيمَةُ مِنهُمُ
بَني أُمِّ بَذّاخينَ غَيرِ عَقيمِ
4. For mankind is naught but settled thanks to them,
When red-haired Mudar thronged around me gently,
٤. فَما أَحَدٌ مِن غَيرِهِم بِسَبيلِهِم
وَما الناسُ إِلّا مِنهُمُ بِمُقيمِ
5. Though the rough reins chafed my mouth,
I refused to lead a life of injustice,
٥. إِذا مُضَرُ الحَمراءُ حَولي تَعَطَّفَت
عَلَيَّ وَقَد دَقَّ اللِجامَ شَكيمي
6. I, son of Margham, the oppressor's victim.
٦. أَبَوا أَن أَسومَ الناسَ إِلّا ظُلامَةً
وَكُنتُ اِبنَ مِرغامِ العَدُوِّ ظَلومِ