1. How can you say the tribe of Bani Tamim
Has any claim over me, when they need my aid?
١. كَيفَ تَقولُ وَجدُ بَني تَميمٍ
عَلَيَّ إِذا لَهُم ناعٍ نَعاني
2. Are they not the defenders of war whenever
They camp by the pass awaiting allies?
٢. أَلَيسوا هُم حُماةَ الحَربِ لَمّا
أَناخوا بِالثَنِيَّةِ لِلعَوانِ
3. And how often have I come to the aid
Of an exhausted warrior when he called on me?
٣. وَكَم مِن مُرهَقٍ قَد جِئتُ أَجري
كَرَرتُ عَلَيهِ نَصري إِذ دَعاني
4. O clan of Abdul Madan, if you go astray
The tribes of Banu Qanan have not erred.
٤. بَني عَبدِ المَدانِ فَإِن تَضِلّوا
فَما ضَلَّت حُلومُ بَني قَنانِ
5. They meet the foe with lions of Ghayl
And dreams of swaying, well-knit spears.
٥. يُلاقونَ العَدُوَّ بِأُسدِ غيلٍ
وَأَحلامٍ مَراجيحٍ رِزانِ
6. When they brandish their lofty spears they make them flow,
And they rush to strike and stab.
٦. إِذا هَزّوا العَوالي أَنهَلوها
وَهَشّوا لِلضِرابِ وَلِلطِعانِ
7. The slaves, the clan of Ziyad, have never met
Sword or spear in battle.
٧. وَما تَلقى العَبيدُ بَنو زِيادٍ
بِسَيفٍ لِلِّقاءِ وَلا سِنانِ
8. Wretched are those made proud by the clan of Ziyad
When once they were the lowliest of slaves.
٨. ذَليلٌ مَن يَعِزُّ بَنو زِيادٍ
وَهُم كانوا أَذَلَّ مِنَ السَواني
9. The slaves inherited the clan of Al-Husayn
By the years gone by.
٩. عَبيدُ بَني الحُصَينِ تَوارَثوهُم
لَعَمرُ الماضِياتِ مِنَ الزَمانِ
10. They are your lords though over you
They have the prior rights of former wins.
١٠. هُمُ أَربابُكُم وَلَهُم عَلَيكُم
فُضولُ السابِقاتِ مِنَ الرِهانِ