
When the callers called and the staff split,

ولما دعا الداعون وانشقت العصا

1. When the callers called and the staff split,
And the enemy's blazing fires did not go out,

١. وَلَمّا دَعا الداعونَ وَاِنشَقَّتِ العَصا
وَلَم تَخبُ نيرانُ العَدُوِّ المُقاذِفِ

2. We took refuge in Al-Abbas, fearing the occurrence of strife
And its bared teeth swiftly approaching.

٢. فَزِعنا إِلى العَبّاسِ مِن خَوفِ فِتنَةٍ
وَأَنيابِها المُستَقدِماتِ الصَوارِفِ

3. How many helpers of the impudent you made childless
By striking their sons with spears on ominous Thursdays!

٣. وَكَم مِن عَوانٍ فَيلَقٍ قَد أَبَرتَها
بِأُخرى إِلَيها بِالخَميسِ المُراجِفِ

4. So Al-Abbas caused a calamity when he became a calamity
That stopped every belligerent transgressor.

٤. فَقَد أَوقَعَ العَبّاسُ إِذ صارَ وَقعَةً
نَهَت كُلَّ ذي ضِغنٍ وَداءٍ مُقارِفِ

5. You enriched those who were not enriched among the slowest of horsemen,
And you rectified the repelling of the cunning plotters.

٥. وَأَغنَيتَ مَن لَم يَغنَ مِن أَبطَأِ السُرى
وَقَوَّمتَ دَرءَ الأَزوَرِ المُتَجانِفِ

6. You, whom hostility is feared and against whom the enemies hurl their spears
When the horses of the valiant warriors charge.

٦. وَأَنتَ الَّذي يُخشى وَيُرمى بِكَ العِدى
إِذا أَحجَمَت خَيلُ الجِيادِ المَخالِفِ

7. You rose high and left no betrayer on earth,
And secured all our frightened lives.

٧. سَمَوتَ فَلَم تَترُك عَلى الأَرضِ ناكِثاً
وَآمَنتَ مِن أَحيائِنا كُلَّ خائِفِ

8. You refuted the assaults of the apostates and foiled their plots
With a victorious one reciting the scripture.

٨. أَبَرتَ زُحوفَ المُلحِدينَ وَكِدتَهُم
بِمُستَنصِرٍ يَتلو كِتابَ المَصاحِفِ

9. Some lagged behind while you hastily moved
To restrain the goring of the daring assailant.

٩. تَأَخَّرَ أَقوامٌ وَأَسرَعتَ لِلَّتي
تُغَلَّلُ نُشّابَ الكَمِيِّ المُزاحِفِ

10. You are, over there, the foremost horseman against the enemies
And a generous host at the battle positions.

١٠. وَأَنتَ إِلى الأَعداءِ أَوَّلُ فارِسٍ
هُناكَ وَوَقّافٌ كَريمُ المَواقِفِ

11. With a strike that removes resolve from its settled place
And a lunge with the tips of piercing spears.

١١. بِضَربٍ يَزيلُ الهامَ عَن مُستَقَرِّهِ
وَطَعنٍ بِأَطرافِ الرِماحِ الجَوائِفِ

12. You outran death for the people of Kufa after
Their destruction by one of the roaming catastrophes was intended.

١٢. سَبَقتَ بِأَهلِ الكوفَةِ المَوتَ بَعدَما
أُريدَ بِإِحدى المُهلِكاتِ الجَوالِفِ

13. So those in the palace did not benefit at all and cried out
To you in the voices of pleading women.

١٣. فَلَم يُغنِ مَن في القَصرِ شَيئاً وَصَيَّحوا
إِلَيكَ بِأَصواتِ النِساءِ الهَواتِفِ

14. The brother of war walks bending then follows
Humbly the horsemen of the trained steeds.

١٤. أَخو الحَربِ يَمشي طاوِياً ثُمَّ يَقتَدي
مُدِلّاً بِفُرسانِ الجِيادِ المَتالِفِ

15. They leave among their dead some champions between them,
At Sura, in its raids and counter raids.

١٥. يُغادِرنَ صَرعى مِن صَناديدَ بَينَها
بِسوراءَ في إِجرائِها وَالمَزاحِفِ

16. And since you quenched its thirst with Tadmur
It has not tasted any drink except morning draughts.

١٦. وَما طَعِمَت مِن مَشرَبٍ مُذ سَقَيتَها
بِتَدمُرَ إِلّا مَرَّةً بِالشَفائِفِ