1. She said my arrows did not wound her,
Yet upon my dark heart her darts were hurled.
١. وَقائِلَةٍ لي لَم تُصِبني سِهامُها
رَمَتني عَلى سَوداءِ قَلبي نِبالُها
2. Though toward her who hurt me I am still inclined,
Hoping though she pained me I'll win her.
٢. وَإِنّي لَرامٍ رَميَةً قِبَلَ الَّتي
لَعَلَّ وَإِن شَقَّت عَلَيَّ أَنالُها
3. Would that from dreams of her I were divined -
That when I sleep her image to me unfurled
٣. أَلا لَيتَ حَظّي مِن عُلَيَّةَ أَنَّني
إِذا نِمتُ لا يَسري إِلَيَّ خَيالُها
4. Be not by night's rotation through days done,
Lest time should her beauty from me have furled.
٤. وَلا يُلبِثُ اللَيلَ المُوَكَّلَ دونَها
عَلَيهِ بِتَكرارِ اللَيالي زَوالُها
5. By dancing girls' hands I vow till I've attained
My goal, though barefoot, trailing skirts, they spurned.
٥. حَلَفتُ بِأَيدي الراقِصاتِ إِلى مِنىً
تُجَرَّرُ في الأَرساغِ مِنها نِعالُها
6. Through poets shall odes from me long obtained
Stream forth, though their rhymes were just hastily learned.
٦. لَتَطَّلِعَن مِنّي بِلالاً قَصيدَةٌ
طَويلٌ بِأَفواهِ الرُواةِ ارتِجالُها
7. For open-handed Bilal you'll find no peer,
In hospitality and bounty he's unspurned.
٧. فَإِنَّ بِلالَ الجودِ لَستَ بِواجِدٍ
لَهُ عُدَةٌ إِلّا شَديداً دِخالُها
8. From tyrants' hands he saves men, slaves, things dear.
With Bilal's hands placed over them, they're returned.
٨. وَكائِن مِنَ الأَيدي الظَوالِمِ أَصبَحَت
بِكَفَّي بِلالِ الجودِ كانَ نَكالِها
9. When unsheathed, Bilal's sword such great havoc wreaked
The enemy their garb with shameful stains had burned.
٩. وَكانَ بِلالٌ حينَ يَستَلَّ سَيفَهُ
لَمَلحَمَةٍ بِالمُعلَمينَ يَنالُها
10. Their polished blades, from sheaths cast free, then reeked
With foemen's blood as blows were struck unconcerned.
١٠. سُيوفٌ إِذا الأَغمادُ عَنهُنَّ أُلقِيَت
وَكانَ بِهاماتِ الرِجالِ صِقالُها
11. Bilal on steed unleashed makes blood from them squirt,
His spear thirsty, their necks by its blade churned.
١١. هُوَ الطاعِنُ النَجلاءَ تَهدِرُ فَرغُها
مِنَ العَلَقِ المُروي السِنانِ اِنبِلالُها
12. The Misrs shine when dawn wakes Bilal in their midst,
Lightened by his presence, shadows all dispersed.
١٢. أَرى مُضَرَ المِصرَينِ أَشرَقَ نورُها
إِذا قامَ فيها حينَ يَغدو بِلالُها
13. By Bilal hard juristic problems are solved,
When from just judgment scholars have turned.
١٣. هُوَ الفارِجُ اللَبسَ الشَديدَ اِلتِباسُهُ
إِذا عَيَّ عَن فَصلِ القَضاءِ رِجالُها
14. Raised by Abu Musa, lofty as mountains towered,
Nothing above Bilal's heights - sky or earth - were yearned.
١٤. نَماهُ أَبو موسى إِلى حَيثُ تَنتَهي
مِنَ الأَرضِ مِن دونِ السَماءِ جِبالُها